Community meeting on 13th February 2025

Schedule: Thursday 2025-02-13T08:00:00Z   :world_map: :date:

Sailfish OS Community Calendar (ICS format)

Topic proposals for the meeting:

  • Add your name/nick using the template below to suggest a topic.
  • Indicate how much time you’ll need so we can time-box the meeting accordingly.
  • Please be as thorough as you can with your question/topic.
  • If you can’t make the meeting please ask and name a substitute.

It is expected that you show up and present your topic, or name a substitute and make sure they attend in your absence. These IRC meetings are for real time participation and live discussions, otherwise you can post the topic on here and get responses that way.

We need you to be present to clarify details in the topic, and to ensure the discussion is leading to the answers you are looking for! If you do not participate or your question/topic isn’t clear enough it will be postponed. Also: always ask for more time than you anticipate your topic needs!

Please have your topics ready at least 3 days before the meeting so we can prepare good answers. Topics announced afterwards will be postponed to the next meeting.

Template for topic proposal: (post your topic proposals as comments to this forum topic).

  • Name/IRC nick:
  • Topic:
  • Some details about the topic:
  • Approx. time needed:
  • Substitute (optional):

Open Pull Requests:
If you have, or know of, a pull request that’s been open for at least 3 weeks, but which you think deserves attention, please add a comment using the template below and we’ll consider it during the next meeting.

  • Name/IRC nick:
  • Open PR URL:
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Name/IRC nick: rainemak
Topic: Community communication tools and needs
Some details about the topic: Discuss started at FOSDEM BoF about community communication channels and methods. We should try to find ways how could we communicate better with AsteroidOS and other projects near by. We do have our usual fortnight newsletters and IRC meetings. How should we evolve & improve in this front?
Approx. time needed: 10mins
Substitute (optional):


Minutes: #sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 13th February 2025
Minutes (text):
Log: #sailfishos-meeting log

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Nice discussion, but I feel we should do a follow-up where it’s more about the “processes” of instead of the tools.


Yes sure, we should have a follow up. Let’s first summarize discussion. I need to digest it a bit.

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Just to add something to the Disscusion a Matrix Instance would be nice also with a Discord Bridge to the Jolla Mind 2 Discord.

so +1 for Matirx

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Here’s a starting point for Sailfish OS issue tracker:

Added the issue template from the docs (which is same as our internal)


Will it be encouraged going forwards to instead file bug reports on GitHub as opposed to forum posts, or is it viewed as an alternative rather than a replacement?

Integration point of view GitHub is nicer but surely it’s not for everybody. So please see it is an alternative.


Yep, was only asking since I have on many occasion encountered folks who are hesitant to create a GitHub account :smiley:


Not only that! It requires a certain level of technical understanding, to write a bug report on GitHub, as well as in forums.
Personally, I consider myself to be fairly technically versed, but still have problems writing correct error reports.

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Not too sure this is a smart thing to have.

A couple of people spent lots of time and effort to get the bug reporting in the Forums streamlined and somewhat working.

Not we have another point where such things may be submitted, disrupting things again.


One nice thing in Github is that there is a template for a bug report that should ease reporting.

We’ll define “domains” to the issue tracker from where it should be easy to select right “domain”-- let’s say email, camera, browser, and so on. Reporter shall not need to worry about concreate software components / libraries.


This feature exists in Bugger!, and posts on the forum made by it contain machine-readable hidden data containing it.


Which is nice and Bugger is great! Forum doesn’t really work with CI integration. I find these complementing each other.

Yes, and there is also the Bugger app, which got even better these last days, but I still feel that it is a bit too high a threshold for ordinary users, especially for non-English speakers. But okay, maybe it’s just me being picky.

Let’s not make this about the Bugger! app though.

Discussions if necessary can happen at Issue-47 about that, and of course PRs are very welcome.


Maybe someone (with the necessary skills) could develop a script, that runs through GitHub Actions whenever a new issue is opened on GitHub, and it would create a new post in the forum’s Bug Reports -category containing a copy of the original GitHub issue ticket? The post could also include link to the GitHub issue and name of the person who opened the ticket etc.

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@rainemak When you pick a new chat provider, please consider how it matches the ethos of Jolla - I’m disappointed that Discord still seems to be among your candidates.

Personally, I’d prefer XMPP or Matrix.


+1 for Matrix FTWFTWFTW