Clang warning in SDK console

Is this the right place for this question?, I’m not sure, sorry, tel me if it isn’t!. . .

I’m running the latest Sailfish SDK. I have noted how sluggish it has become, slow to start, slow to fire up emulator, slow, slow, slow.

I noticed the ‘Issues’ panel flashing away in SDK, in there, was a message about Clang failing to start in a specified time (sorry, I didn’t copy it) of either 1000ms or 10000ms.

So I Googled before coming here and found an article regarding the same Clang error, which lead me into Settings (Tools/Options) of Sailfish SDK.

In the ‘Build & Run’ tab and then in the first ‘General’ tab, look 2 rows UP from the BOTTOM and see "Default for “Run in terminal”, set it to ‘Enabled’

By doing the above, there is no more Clang error in Issues, the SDK seems to start much faster and in general feels a lot more fluid - but at what cost?, if any?, should it have already been ‘Enabled’?

Is there any disadvantage of enabling this option?, I don’t see any yet. Any info gratefully received.

Looks right to me.

Thank you for your report, I will check deeper and come back later.