Claim Your Jolla Mind2

What is the approximate idle consumption of the Mind2 in your tests? This is what I’m most concerned about for a device that is powered on 24/7 and likely to be mostly used in bursts during the day.

Thank you for this. I’ll probably have to get a new charger, since it will be used to permanently power the Mind2 and not be shared with other devices for charging. (Still appreciate that it’s not included in the package.)


And what happens when the box is shutdown, normally or abruptly ? Is there a restart on power-on detection (without actively hitting any power-on button) ? How are operations restored ?

In my mind it would be great if you could make the C2 we payed for work before you start a new projekt.

The C2 and the Mind2 were announced on the same day and people also already paid for the Mind2.


Hello there,
I ordered and paid my jolla mind2 14 days ago and still haven’t received a shipping notification. Are you guys experiencing the same? How long will the wait be?

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Me too. Today is working day plus next Monday and Thuesday before the 1st January (day off ). Perhaps after them we’ll start gradually hear something of the deliveries.

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Guess you’re right :+1:

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i think they wrote us when they will be in office again in the latest community news. i think it was january 8th

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I can’t wait to see / test in Lithuanian language. And also to see how jollamind2 works with sailfish os devices.

Greetings to sailors from Lithuania :muscle:

Is there any news on shipping ?
In my case I completed the order on December 17th.
ORDER #2011 confirmed.

Here is the Message that was send to answer that Question in the Discord:


Thx for the update !

Mind2 boots when attaching power cable without pressing power key. After that you can shutdown the device from power key or from the Top Menu shutdown button. After this, you can of course start it from the power key.


If I understand correctly : if for any reason there is a power cutoff which will also abruptly force mind2 to shut down, then when power is restored, the device will restart automatically.

It would be actually great as part of the design of the hardware, to have a small battery that will serve the device to shutdown gracefully in an event of power cutoff. Say there is suddenly no power and for more than 30 seconds, the device should still be able to run for a while, using energy from such a “spare” battery and automatically force a shutdown process. Such a security functionality will mitigate loosing data or end up with a non-bootable device.