Chum VS Storeman

While Storeman offers a lot of Apps, Chum offers a small but high Quality Collection so it seems.

I want to understand why these two Projects doesn´t join Forces and merge together.


You have to remember that Storeman is an mobile app for OpenRepos (app repository). Chum is an app repository.
But Chum is something more than just repository. It’s based on OBS so you can build your app on OBS.

In OpenRepos case you have to build your app on your computer and upload to OpenRepos.
In Chum case you can build your app in OBS where you have Sailfish release targets, so you can build your app for every SailfishOS version in “one click”.

It’s more difficult to start with OBS but then is’t easier to built your app.


In addition, OpenRepos hosts more than just SailfishOS applications (e.g. Meego/Harmattan).

Also, Chum depends on Jolla infrastructure (OBS) while OpenRepos is hosted independently. The future of OBS has always been unclear, and while it seems we are going to have it for a while, there has been no commitment from Jolla to keep it available.

But regarding the original question, there was an effort to do exactly that but it is stalling at the moment.


Just as many people do not understand that Storeman is simply a client app for the app repository (“I installed it from Storeman” → No, you sure did not!), most also do not differentiate between the SailfishOS:Chum repository and the SailfishOS:Chum GUI client application.
Plus this linguistic issue is exacerbated by calling both, the repo and the client app “Chum”.