The browser update finally launched and it’s brought Sailfish up to a version of Gecko that’s “only” been out of support for over 2 years. What’s the justification for staying with Gecko when Jolla clearly (and unfortunately) can’t keep up with updates? Not that Qt is always on the latest version, but at least qtweb(kit,engine) will get incidental updates whenever a new Qt is pushed out, and that’s probably less active development work than having to create all of their patches and upgrades for their bespoke, unsupported Gecko embedding framework.
Not only does having an out of date browser hurt the ability to use web apps but it creates a massive security hole in the system unless Jolla is basically forking each version of Gecko and providing security patches themselves. It seems far safer and like less of a maintenance burden to just rewrite the Browser app against one of the Qt-provided web engines at this point or just rewrite the browser entirely if that’s too much work.