Change weather provider to for the default weather app

You’re Norwegian right? I have to give you that is good, but unfortunately good isn’t enough to keep our ‘precious’ weather app running in notification area or lock screen. :wink:
So if you are happy with an open web site, please stay with it. Me to have a bookmark to my area on, while not open 24/7.


To note here as well, on 4.6.0 loading of the weather widget is disabled by default as out of the box it doesn’t work too good.

Wrote about it there SFOS 4.6 / Foreca: How to enable the Weather infos is in the the Events view - #5 by pvuorela but in short to get it back can set dconf key /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/force_weather_loading true and install lipstick-jolla-home-qt5-weather-widget-settings package for events view settings switch.


Any updates on this part? Was it supposed to point towards Weather app getting open sourced?

Is it possible to switch to KDE seems to be using that provider for the weather applet and i assume they are not paying anything, so this might be an option for SFOS as well:

Anyway i would prefer having an offical app instead of some other app that needs to be installed.

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If Jolla could get us an API to be fed with weather data, then anyone could implement their own local weather backend support via some middleware layer.

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Could something like the open meteo api be an option? No clue how hard is to change things like that but seems like a good economical option.

All these free/open services are only free for personal use, there was someone working on rewriting the weather widget to use one of them, no idea what happened to that but it would still require every user to register for their api key or it would hit daily limit very quickly. The other free option is scraping like meecast (until the service decides to hide behind a cloudflare captcha or other bs)


Could you please reference your statement?

As far as I understand can be used by companies and application developers without costs:

Some information may be found in the old thread too:

Open-Meteo is an open-source weather API and offers free access for non-commercial use

Openweather faq:

1,000 API calls per day are included for free. does not offer commercial service, but jolla would need to get a special agreement, from link you posted:

Anything over 20 requests/second per application (total, not per client) requires special agreement.

with them to avoid getting their user-agent banned like default android:

Examples of banned User-Agents include:

Or you would spend dev resources only to have the weather fixed only to get broken again

Take a look at my post here: Change weather provider to for the default weather app - #3 by emva

My GNOME Weather App uses data from which is the institute that provides services:
Weather – Apps for GNOME
GNOME / Weather · GitLab
How do they solve these limitations?

Probably through the special agreement they mention is needed for higher bandwidth usage, no idea how easy it is to get it or how willing they are to give it (or what it includes), also no idea how often their api changes, how reliable the service is etc

F-Droid’s Weather Forecast app also uses / :

Take a look at my post here: Weather-App and Widget Connection Problem - #58 by jrg

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Yeah, open sourcing would be the best, otherwise ppl can try the patchmanager approach, but that is likely to get the default QML UA banned by (if it isn’t already, those were just examples after all and iirc jolla still did not stop blacklisting useragent headers in qml xhr, so patches will get you only so far), not sure yr would get into agreement with a patch author, maybe worth bringing up at a community meeting, if opensourcing is problematic maybe NDA for community volunteers willing to address this would be possible (it really should be pretty simple switching few urls/parameters, getting it done properly to avoid banning etc is the tricky part)

What is situation with jolla weather?Anything new after this february conversation

No. In the C2 changelog i saw that weather packages are removed.

So Meecast is an only working alternative.


We also have a few other weather apps in Jolla store.

Mine (mostly my students’) is called France Meteo and works worldwide (it uses Meteo Frances API).

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That is true, but as i know, only Jolla Weather and Meecast utilize SailfishOS’s Events view, what is very handy.


Agreed, in particular this, in post #13, looks really good.
The original weather widget, with an alternative backend if I understand it correctly.

Thoroughly hoping that makes it to the public, because as good as Meecast is, I loved the original event widget :blush: