Cell Broadcast alerts (Germany)

Apparently four-digit message IDs are supported in Sailfish Sailfish Community News, 6th Moctober, Sailfish OS

Can anyone confirm this?

Looks to me as if this patch has been merged only recently. Thus, it’s not been rolled out yet.

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“Please Jolla-Team, …”: It works on my phones for a long long time. Portugal, MEO/Altice and NOS, X, XA2 family, and if I remember right, JP1…

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Right, thanks for clarification. This could very likely then be the reason why my phone did not show anything, as my provider is not Telekom.

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I’d wish it would be that easy, but no: I’m on Telekom (well, congstar, actually) and received no message.

I’m afraid that is not the case. It seems the commit mentioned in the community newsletter did not make it to the release. You can check the changelog yourself, there is no mention of cell broadcast channels: [Changelog] Vanha Rauma 4.4.0


On the other hand, the information is slightly misleading. One of the articles I shared claims that Telekom is testing three-digit IDs, the other one quotes Telekom saying that 919 is used only for real emergencies and never for testing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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No message. Xperia 10 III, SFOS - [maxxim.de] (O2-reseller)

Got this with xperia 10 iii SFOS dualsim t-mobile and o2 no sound :

I don’t

How could it have been a.cell broadcast message given the date of my post.

Although: Mobile was off today untill 1 pm. No message. Vodafone Germany

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No message (or sound) on Xperia 10ii with provider Telekom. However some people in the same room also with Telekom but different operating system did also not receive it.

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Same same here (Sony 10 II, latest with Congstar / DT provider) no cell broadcast received or eventually send to /dev/null on the device.

And don’t forget to give your feedback to https://warntag-umfrage.de/ as mentioned earlier.

I’ve received no cell broadcast as well. XA2 with with the provider congstar (T-Mobile reseller)

Same here:
no message with Xperia 10ii, SFOS and Congstar SIM,
but perfect message with Xperia 10iii, SFOS and Vodafone SIM

No Broadcast Message, Provider o2 Germany, Mobile Sony XA2, SFOS

Saw right now on TV, that the half of all cellphone users got no message.

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Yes…my wife and I got no warning on neither of our Sailfish Phones (Xperia 10 and Xperia X Compact). From my team at work only 2 out of 7 got the warning. All Android but most of them Googlefree.

FYI, Telefónica / O2 clearly states on their corresponding web-page (www.telefonica.de/cell-broadcast-english.html), that they will introduce the Cell Broadcast service in Germany on the 23 February 2023!

Consequently, when using a SIM card from any (virtual) network provider utilising Telefonica’s infrastructure, one has should have received nothing on this “Warn-Day 2022” in Germany (because 2022-12-08 < 2023-02-23).

Nobody seems to have noticed that (or I have missed that in this discussion thread), even though 12 people have already clicked on the German language version of Telefonica’s web-page about introducing the deployment of alert messages via Cell Broadcast in Germany.
Furthermore it makes much more sense to provide Jolla and the SailfishOS community with the English language version of this web-page: Cell Broadcast - Nationwide warning channel | Telefónica Deutschland


Worked for me with O2 Germany.

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That’s odd, I did receive the warning message from O2 today

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