Caught in a loop

I just bought a Sony Xperia XA2 with Sailfish OS already installed. After boot I chose language and was then greeted with Ahoj-list in different languages. Then the it switches to the approve license agreement. When I agree to that the start up animation begins, the screen goes black and I’m back at the Ahoj screen again and so it goes on in a loop. Am I doing something wrong?

Gratefiul for any help in the matter.

If you’re able, try to reinstall Sailfish OS. Perhaps the last user did some modifications/applied some patch and this caused problems.

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Thanks, I tried now on my Mac and it failed. It looked like this:
RolandBsMacBook:Sailfish robro$ sudo bash ./

Detected Mac OS X - Version: 10-12

Searching device to flash…

Found H3113, serial:CQ30015XEC, baseband:1311-2845_50.2.A.3.22, bootloader:1310-0301_X_Boot_SDM630_LA3.0_P_38

Found matching device with serial CQ30015XEC

Fastboot command: fastboot -s CQ30015XEC

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC getvar secure

<< getvar secure: no

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC flash boot_a hybris-boot.img

sending ‘boot_a’ (18664 KB)…

OKAY [ 0.522s]

writing ‘boot_a’…

OKAY [ 0.160s]

finished. total time: 0.682s

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC flash boot_b hybris-boot.img

sending ‘boot_b’ (18664 KB)…

OKAY [ 0.530s]

writing ‘boot_b’…

OKAY [ 0.162s]

finished. total time: 0.692s

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC flash userdata sailfish.img001

sending ‘userdata’ (1372913 KB)…

FAILED (remote: Requested download size is more than max allowed


finished. total time: 0.002s

Flashing failed (1)

RolandBsMacBook:Sailfish robro$ sudo bash ./

Detected Mac OS X - Version: 10-12

Searching device to flash…

Found H3113, serial:CQ30015XEC, baseband:1311-2845_50.2.A.3.22, bootloader:1310-0301_X_Boot_SDM630_LA3.0_P_38

Found matching device with serial CQ30015XEC

Fastboot command: fastboot -s CQ30015XEC

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC getvar secure

<< getvar secure: no

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC flash boot_a hybris-boot.img

sending ‘boot_a’ (18664 KB)…

OKAY [ 0.535s]

writing ‘boot_a’…

OKAY [ 0.156s]

finished. total time: 0.691s

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC flash boot_b hybris-boot.img

sending ‘boot_b’ (18664 KB)…

OKAY [ 0.534s]

writing ‘boot_b’…

OKAY [ 0.152s]

finished. total time: 0.686s

fastboot -s CQ30015XEC flash userdata sailfish.img001

sending ‘userdata’ (1372913 KB)…

FAILED (remote: Requested download size is more than max allowed


finished. total time: 0.002s

Flashing failed (1)

Well, I assume you followed these instructions Installing Sailfish X on XA2 using macOS - Jolla

Right now, I don’t know what you could do. Perhaps use another port/another USB C data cable or try to flash using Linux.

Yes, those are the instructions I followed. I’ll try with another cable to see if it makes any difference.

I did try flashing with Linux but that didn’t work at all.

If all else fails I will have to resort to Windows…

Thanks for the advice, much appriciated!

There are plenty of Google hits on this phrase eg:

Advice is to use a different USB port.

Thanks, I have some things to try out tomorrow. I´ll be back with a report asap.

Finally I managed to make it work. Linux was a no go. Tried with my main distro, Pop!_OS. Didn,t work. Tried with Ubuntu 20.04, didn´t work. Bought a new USB-cable and tried it on my MacBook from 2008 again, didn´t work. Then I tried it on my Lenovo T440p Hackintosh with MacOS Mojave. It was´t possible to install Homebrew using the Jolla instructions. This however worked:

Installing fastboot tools didn´t worked as per the instructions, “brew tap caskroom/cask” had to be swapped out for “brew tap homebrew/cask”

“brew cask install android-platform-tools” had to be swapped out for “brew install --cask android-platform-tools”

After that I was able to run “sudo bash ./” without any problems.