Tried using a normal webDAV account type, same result.
Sync always looks fine in the logs until
buteo.plugin.carddav.trace: unknown:0 unknown Resource "/cardDAV/####/addressbook/contact59615486.v
cf" was added on server with etag "\"contact59615486-20200417125752.vcf\"" to addressbook: "/cardDAV/####/addressbook/"
buteo.plugin.carddav: unknown:0 unknown QList<ReplyParser::ContactInformation> ReplyParser::parseContac
tMetadata(const QByteArray&, const QString&, const QHash<QString, QString>&) const ignoring non-contact
(addressbook?) resource: "/cardDAV/####/addressbook/" "\"1731608142\"" "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
buteo.plugin.carddav: unknown:0 unknown void CardDav::fetchContacts(const QString&, const QList<ReplyPa
rser::ContactInformation>&) requesting full contact information from addressbook "/cardDAV/####/addr
buteo.plugin.carddav: unknown:0 unknown void CardDav::fetchContacts(const QString&, const QList<ReplyPa
rser::ContactInformation>&) Have calculated A/M/R/U: 402 / 0 / 0 / 0 for addressbook: "/cardDAV/####
buteo.plugin.carddav: unknown:0 unknown void CardDav::fetchContacts(const QString&, const QList<ReplyPa
rser::ContactInformation>&) fetching vcard data for 402 contacts
buteo.plugin.carddav: unknown:0 unknown generateRequest(): "" QUrl("
:443/cardDAV/####/addressbook/") "1" "REPORT" "<
Here follows a long XML document, and at the end an error 500 terminates the sync:
buteo.plugin.carddav: unknown:0 void CardDav::contactsResponse() error: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(InternalServerError) ( 500 )
buteo.plugin.carddav: unknown:0 CardDAV sync for account: 5 finished with error: 500
unknown:0 QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method Syncer::syncFinishedWithError()
The document has the format:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card:addressbook-multiget xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:card="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav">
<!-- many entries -->
Tried the default address for memotoo,
as well as the DAV address
Both resolve the dav paths correctly.
Trying both addresses with the cadaver
tool from chum works also, Although I don’d know how to trigger the final REPORT type request.