Cant Install apps from other stores on C2

Please stop spreading falsehoods (i.e. lies), for example:

when beta is out, your installer doesn’t support by design

See Feedback on Jolla C2 - #498 by olf

your installer

No, I did not invent it, that was the original author of Storeman. But as you refuse to read properly, it is senseless to explain again, why the Storeman Installer (and the SailfishOS:Chum GUI Installer) make a whole lot of sense, technically and in terms of usability.

manual […] that is not even up to date

I am not aware that any part of the documentation is outdated. Be assured that I will gladly improve the documentation, if you would ever manage to properly address perceived flaws in a bug report than writing endless rants without real content and context in this forum.
Suggestion: Pose a PR at GitHub and I will review it (I think you know how to edit text).

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