Cannot deploy: Missing Sailfish OS device information in the kit

Installed SDK using online installer, vboxmanage version is 6.1.26_Ubuntur145957
Ubuntu 20.04

Created a project from template, getting error:

14:59:22: Cannot deploy: Missing Sailfish OS device information in the kit
Error while building/deploying project notificationgallery (kit: SailfishOS- (in Sailfish SDK Build Engine))
When executing step "RPM Deploy"

Interesting part is, that when I try to pick device for the kit configuration, it remains empty.

I can run the VM when I go into “Manage” and click “Test”

Here you are building/deploying for the aarch64 architecture. If you want to deploy such package to a device, you need to set up an aarch64 device. In your first screenshot, the “device” selection is empty, because you have not set up an aarch64 device.

You can set up an aarch64 device from the “Devices” page, by clicking the “Add…” button. You need an actual aarch64 device for this.

Got it!
The VirtualBox emulator is only for x86; while VirtualBox build agent can produce aarch64 & arm7hl binaries.

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