Can you flash system update directly on Jolla C?

I’ve a Jolla C thanks to Coderus who gave to me as a gift. Thank you :smiley:
Anyway each time you do a factory reset it returns to 4.0.1 and you have to do 5/6 system updates that takes hours to do.
Can you flash directly Sauna on it?
Can Jolla update the base for the Jolla C so when you reset it, the default version would be like 4.5?
Thank you

I don’t know whether CODeRUS sfos-builder is still functional Unfortunately for me it always failed at this point which was beyond my limited skill set

Maybe you should stop doing that?


I will try myself. My main distro is Arch, but I can run older Ubuntu/Debian in container/VM and try there

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Did you tried then?
Thank you for your replies

Just tried and it worked on Debian 11, didn’t work on Arch.


Here are the images I got. Use AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Edit: I just tried image on my Jolla C and it worked just nice!


Anyway, hmm can I ask you how to use this?
I’ll try this now, thank you so @WunderWungiel
I’ll go directly to
edit: I saw in the screenshot that you started doing this from 4.3, so I can’t flash this over the stock 4.0.1 right?

You can, I flashed over 2.0, this was just test.

Here is list of commands for Jolla C:


Quite a jump :smiley:
anyway, how do I access to fastboot on the Jolla C?
It’s the recovery that you can obtain pressing vol and power button?

Power off, hold Vol Down and connect to PC


I succeed! Thank you so much!
If you flash this via fastboot, that will flash over the default recovery image that you can revert by doing a factory reset?
A question: using the script, you could get back to SFOS 2 for example?

If you manage to build Sailfish OS 2 image, definitely possible. I can try.
And yes, it overwrites recovery.

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Please try it!! I want to go back in time ahahah
I understand, Jolla C working perfectly even after a lot of different flashes :wink:

Thanks for sharing this! You’ve really saved me as I’ve just used the SFOS 4.6 image to re-flash my almost dead Jolla C. Cheers!