I used to have a similar problem until I realized that I accidentally had put the slider for the automatic white balance (AWB) on the right side of the screen to its minimum value all the time. Maybe it’s worth a check for you as well.
I’d checked the AWB setting previously and couldn’t get any improvement. It wasn’t till I tried my Xperia X camera again that I noticed the ± box was in the middle of the AWB slider line and not at one end like on the XA2 that I realised the ± box was the icon for adjusting the AWB. I had been tapping on the ± box rather than sliding it. Duh!!!
I’ve been having issues wirh my XA2 for a long time. AWB does nothing above 0. I am able to reduce but not increase. I always thought this was due to support for the camera being lacking, but perhaps I’m seeing some bug. I’ve factory reset my phone a couple of times since I started using it but this problem has persisted.