With my CalDAV account credentials I should have access to multiple calendars, but after account creation on my sailfish device I only get one (the first item in the collection list?) offered.
At configuration of the account I configured the server-url as: https://cal.xyz.de/caldav.php and left WebDAV path and calendar path empty.
The calendars could be accessed with the following urls:
- https://cal.xyz.de/caldav.php/namex/calendar
- https://cal.xyz.de/caldav.php/namey/calendar
- https://cal.xyz.de/caldav.php/namez/calendar
- …
Creating a second account on the sailfish device e.g. to access
does not help. Even if I explicitly set the calendar path to /namey/calendar the second created account falls back to the “standard” path.
The calendar server runs DAViCal. There are no “well-known” urls configured.
The sailfish version is:
- Does principally the CalDAV setup in sailfish offer collections for one account? (all accessible calendars in a list)
- If yes, is it a misconfiguration of the server that only one item gets offered or a bug in sailfish?
- If not, how to configure an CalDAV account to access a designated calendar url?
- If one uses the webdav/contact/calendar path configuration is it necessary to place “/” and if so, where (at the beginning or the end of the string)?
Any help is appreciated.