C2 screen doesn't respond first boot

I have the same issue as @hopey and the reported issue by @mickobal. I’d save you from not sending yet another same-same ticket.

More or less :

  1. I realise the device is running out of battery when I first ever time took it out from its box
  2. I select the language (English US)
  3. I try to set a PIN and at that point, before setting it the device shuts down
  4. I reboot
  5. The screen is unresponsive
  6. I read someone connected an external keyboard / mouse
  7. I have a split keyboard around which can work also as a mouse with some magix – I connect it and it works !
  8. I set a PIN using the Numeric Pad : just 4 digits
  9. I reset the same PIN so it’s accepted
  10. Everything goes well and I am in, just as usual in the SFOS environment
  11. I keep playing with my virtual mouse through my keyboard
  12. I make sure that at least the security key can be given infinite times and it’s not going to lock me out
    … all this using a mouse pointer from a keyboard
  13. I see that all is fine and want to reboot to test if the screen will be then responsive
  14. After reboot, the screen is responsive
  15. I enter the 4-digit PIN and voila, the checkmark does not appear
  16. Giving in a 5th digit make the acceptance / Enter / You Name it button appear
    … well, okay but my PIN is just a 4-digit number :-/

This is how it went.


@jovirkku Can you please tell us how to perform a factory reset. I couldn’t wait and I tried all combinations I can think of :

Volume Up then + Power
Volume Down then + Power
Volume Up & Volume Down then + Power
All of the above with and without a data-capable USB cable connected to a laptop

ps- by the way, why Google Inc. ?


After rebooting, did you try entering the 4-digit PIN using your hardware keyboard and confirming it with the physical “enter” key on the keyboard? This seems to work for me, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything since I’m not using a C2 and do not have filesystem encryption enabled.

According to this video of the Reeder S19 max pro s, the phone the C2 is based on, you have to use volume up and power and release the power at a certain moment …
I don’t have a C2, but hope it helps …

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I did that yesterday already … same video I watched … :smile:

No, I did not try this. What difference would it make ? 4-digit PINs are not accepted. But I can give it a shot.

If the button on screen won’t work unless there are 5 digits, but the physical enter press might still work?

Do you think so ? I think that is a programmatic design issue. The length of the PIN input parameter, if constrained, should follow this “object” and constraints everywhere. But okay, the bug itself shows that this is not the case.

If I was in your situation, I would at least test it first and then post here for others to see if it works or not.

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The keyboard does not connect (anymore) :slight_smile: – I think this is maybe good security wise !

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y I tried same. it doesn’t let physical kbd to enter the pin.

My c2 screen is dead from the box i can`t even select language.
I have rebooted it twenty time but nothing happens.

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My screen is also unresponsive. When I received the phone, I plugged it in to charge, and it booted up. The screen worked during the that first boot, and I was able to select the language, but the phone shut off due to low battery. After charging, the phone boots to the language selection screen again, but now the screen is unresponsive. Restarting the phone doesn’t resolve the issue.

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Same problem here. The beginning went well from the opening of the package to the choice of language. After that, the screen frozen and, despite numerous start-up aytempts, the proces will not proceed after entering the safety code.
I remember the Jolla Tablet case. Then I lost my money and I didn’t get the Tablet ( I bought it from China afterwards), now the money went(?)
but I got unusable phone anyway.


The factory reset is not yet supported. It is needed.

We are working on this.


Sailfish OS’s security code is at least 5 digits or characters. It is used for the device lock and home area encryption and is set at the beginning of the first startup. If you decide to use an external keyboard at this point (it is not recommended), bear in mind that you do not set a code shorter than 5 characters.

The dialogue for setting the security code on the phone does not allow codes shorter than 5. However, there is a different component checking the validity of the code when an external keyboard is used. That component has a bug.


I have 10 characters and don’t use an external keyboard.

This means that our phones are now bricked and we can’t fix them if there is no way to do update from usb and command line from PC.

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Alright, but that is very unfortunate ! This should be the absolute minimum. I guess we need to send-in the phones. And, I’d do that ASAP. But I wouldn’t pay this for myself. Should I contact the Zendesk … ?

ps- This is rather unusual – every piece of hardware has a reset button / function. I mean, it should be at the level of the device, the hardware, the firmware - you name it.