[C2] Predictive Text Input on SailfishOS 5.0.0 missing?

Your friend did a typical typo! zypper with an u… :wink:

zupper up feature-xt9

Can someone upload a working german Presage-Keyboard?

I did try to follow the instruction of sailfishos-presage-predictor/utils/keyboard/README.md at master · sailfish-keyboard/sailfishos-presage-predictor · GitHub

but end up here:

[root@JollaC2 layouts]# ls
bg.qml                    el.qml                    gu.qml                    layout_tt.conf            lt.qml                    pa.qml                    sl.qml
bn.qml                    emojis.qml                hi.qml                    layouts_emojis.conf       lt_std.qml                package-keyboard.sh       sv.qml
cs.qml                    en.qml                    hu.qml                    layouts_en.conf           lv.qml                    pl.qml                    ta.qml
da.qml                    es.qml                    it.qml                    layouts_indian.conf       ml.qml                    pt.qml                    te.qml
de.qml                    et.qml                    keyboard-presage-XX.spec  layouts_kk.conf           mr.qml                    ro.qml                    tr.qml
deutsch-presage.conf      fi.qml                    kk.qml                    layouts_ru.conf           nl.qml                    ru.qml                    tt.qml
deutsch-presage.qml       fr.qml                    kn.qml                    layouts_western.conf      no.qml                    sk.qml                    uk.qml
[root@JollaC2 layouts]# sh package-keyboard.sh Deutsch de_DE 1.0.0 deutsch-presage.qml deutsch-presage.conf
tar: can't execute 'xz': No such file or directory

Or as an alternative, make xt9 for c2 great again

Thank you all for your help regarding predictive text input!

So I did run the following on my daily driver Sony Xperia 10 III:

mkdir xt9-rpms; for i in $(pkcon -p search name xt9 | tr -s ' ' | cut -s -f 2 -d ' ' | grep '\.jolla\.' | rev | cut -s -f 3- -d '-' | rev | tr '\n' ' '); do pkcon download xt9-rpms $i; sleep 1; done

My plan was to copy the resulting rpm packages to the C2 and install there.

However, after rebooting my Xperia 10 III it the keyboard is completely gone. It should not have been affected / deleted by above command?

I’ve tried to restart the keyboard from within the “Utils”, and I’ve tried to (re)install the rpm packages resulting from the command, rebooting etc.

The keyboard is gone, and this is my daily driver…

Any idea on how to get my keyboard back?

Your help is very much appreciated!!

Try doing devel-su pkcon install xz and then try again.

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As you suspect, unless you installed one or more of the files, that command can’t be related to your keyboard being gone.
Something else must be the reason.

Did you install or uninstall any other software?

What do the following commands say?

systemctl --user status maliit-server
systemctl --user status xt9-server.service

But I guess in order to revert the installation, so something like:

for pkg in  feature-xt9 jolla-keyboard-settings-xt9 jolla-xt9 jolla-xt9-cp  jolla-xt9-server patterns-sailfish-xt9
pkcon remove $pkg
pkcon install  feature-xt9

My humble input… the above extracted from my X10III (SFOS 4.6.015), and manually copied and installed to to my X10V (SFOS 4.6.015) worked perfectly well. I now have perfectly working word prediction on my X10V. :boom: :smiley:


systemctl --user status maliit-server => green active OK
systemctl --user status xt9-server.service => green active OK

I then used your command to revert the installation, it removed the packages but then it says:

Package not found: feature-xt9
Command failed: This tool could not find any available package.

I then check the services:

systemctl --user status xt9-server.service
Unit xt9-server.service could not be found.

Your kind help is highly appreciated!

To be more precise:

$ systemctl --user status maliit-server
● maliit-server.service - The Maliit server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/maliit-server.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-11-14 21:40:18 CET; 1min 45s ago
Main PID: 4935 (invoker)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-100000.slice/user@100000.service/maliit-server.service
└─4935 /usr/bin/invoker --type=qt5 /usr/bin/maliit-server


$ systemctl --user status xt9-server.service
● xt9-server.service - Jolla Xt9 integration server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/xt9-server.service; disabled; vend>
Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-11-14 21:39:32 CET; 3min 18s ago
Main PID: 2886 (xt9-server)
CGroup: /user.slice/user-100000.slice/user@100000.service/xt9-server.ser>
└─2886 /usr/libexec/xt9/xt9-server

Okay and is your keyboard back or not?

No, the keyboard is gone and missing. I’ve rebooted, used the “Utils” to reset keyboard, it’s all not working…

I’ve backed up most of the device (Signal seems difficult or not possible to backup, the Android App backup function doesn’t work), and as a next step I’d try to re-flash Sailfish in the hope to get my daily driver back.

Or do you have any other ideas how I could try to fix the keyboard?

Thank you very much!!

Then i got this:

[defaultuser@JollaC2 layouts]$ sh package-keyboard.sh Deutsch de_DE 0.1.0 deutsch-presage.qml deutsch-presage.conf
package-keyboard.sh: line 53: rpmbuild: not found
[defaultuser@JollaC2 layouts]$ devel-su pkcon install rpmbuild
Auflösen [ ] (0%) Paket nicht gefunden: rpmbuild
Paket nicht gefunden: rpmbuild
Ausführung des Befehls fehlgeschlagen: This tool could not find any available package.

The package name may be rpm-build.

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After Building it does not work:

[defaultuser@JollaC2 layouts]$ ls
RPMS deutsch-presage.qml fr.qml kn.qml layouts_western.conf no.qml sk.qml uk.qml
bg.qml el.qml gu.qml layout_tt.conf lt.qml pa.qml sl.qml
bn.qml emojis.qml hi.qml layouts_emojis.conf lt_std.qml package-keyboard.sh sv.qml
cs.qml en.qml hu.qml layouts_en.conf lv.qml pl.qml ta.qml
da.qml es.qml it.qml layouts_indian.conf ml.qml pt.qml te.qml
de.qml et.qml keyboard-presage-XX.spec layouts_kk.conf mr.qml ro.qml tr.qml
deutsch-presage.conf fi.qml kk.qml layouts_ru.conf nl.qml ru.qml tt.qml
[defaultuser@JollaC2 layouts]$ cat deutsch-presage.conf
name=Deutsch (Presage)

Keyboard with presage was selected and Keyboard-Service restarted. Keyboard is shown but no Presage working.

Have you installed “stock emoji keyboard with colors” patch?


is this:
not working for you?
I tried it on 4.6 (32 bit) and it worked

I take the newer build from:

and this does not work (keyboard yes, presage no)

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i have manually added the xt9 repo from SF 4.5 and it worked for me.


Thank you so much!!! You literally saved my day/weekend! :grinning:

After removing the patch and rebooting the keyboard is back.

(I must have installed the patch while fiddling around with the keyboard settings trying to find xt9 packages or so, all was well until I rebooted…)

You are the hero of my day!

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repo :-), but at least, strange, didnt work for me. I added the repo, i can see that the repo is there with ssu lr, ut xt9-feature is not found. Run zypper ref right before, but package is not comin up. I have to say, I first added the repo on the mobile itself, but didnt work correct because of copy paste error, so i deleted and readded the repo wit ssu. so what could be the trick?


Try feature-xt9!

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