Browsing phone's photos on Windows

I’ve used MobaXterm for this for years but it’s always been far from optimal. I have to think about where the photo directories are (currently have 2) and I cannot see thumbnails. I have to slowly download each photo to check it’s the one I’m looking for. It also cannot work with data alone and I often have to manually change the IP address.

I use the camera more and more. Is there a better option than MobaXterm or is this something I’d have to write myself?

Usually any MTP client works under windows or linux. No need to SSH/SFTP. No need even to have dev-mode enabled.
I have not attached the phone to windows for a long time, so I do not recall correctly, but I think it appears natively in the file browser. Under linux I use gmtp for uploading, but for images they appear natively in the file browser.

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Doesn’t Windows have MTP capabilities when you plug the phone in with a USB cable?


I’m not sure I understand what you are trying to do.

Where do you see (or rather not see) thumbnails? On the phone? On Windows using USB/MTP connection? Somewhere else?

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Thumbnails are the normal browsing method for photos. I am sure both Android and iOS can browse on a Windows PC without even needing to manually connect.

Because MobaXterm uses SFTP, it does not need the hassle of a cable. But it can’t be done over mobile data.

I suspect what I want can be mostly easily done with an automatically syncing cloud service but it would also be good to have a more streamlined Bluetooth transfer service.

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Wasn’t me who flagged it. And maybe you could take deep breaths before writing.

Nonetheless, I thought mobile data was a weird type of connection. I assumed from the facts that a) Google returns 0 results on mobile data connections on MobaXterm and b) SF ‘hiding’ its IP address that it wasn’t possible.

So thanks. :wink:

Next job, get it to do better previews.

Where did you get that idea from?

Having to go into Terminal to find it?

No I can not, because it is not fair. And also “you” does not mean you in person but the people who flag the posts. It has to be more than one. So some psychopath is targeting people he or she does not like. We asked several time this to be stopped, but nothing happens.
Let me see if this post is going to be flagged again.

Why are you obsessed with this terminal? As I said before I use the USB cable and MTP mode.
Bluetooth stopped offering file browsing - I forgot already for what reason. Perhaps it was too slow to support the larger files produced in the phones in recent years.

TL;DR - the better way is the way everyone intended MTP over a cable.

Not having an easily accesible place to view the current IP address is a bad UI/UX decision, but not ‘hiding’, yiu can if you so desire install a program to show the IP address.

As for browsing photos, you’re using an interface not meant for doing that (SSH), yes it will work and yes it is more convenient in the sense that you don’t need a cable to connect your phone to your computer but the purpose of SSH/SSHFS is not what you are using it for and it is not optimized for it thus when you browse windows will have to read whole files to generate thumbnails which it will then either save on the device or will be deleted when you disconnect thus browsing will be slow.

When using MTP over a cable you are telling both windows and the phone what you expect and the phone may even send its’ thumbnails instead of full size pictures.

As for wireless methods, other than them being potential serious security issues if you leave it on on public networks you could probably use a webdav server for this or a webserver that exposes your images.

As for your IP address changing you could set your router to reserve the same address for your phone.

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Considering the inconvenience, slow setup every time and accumulated damage to your USB/power ports, I’d call using a cable the worst method by a long way.

Bluetooth works quite well for single files on Windows.

BT works on SFOS too.

Would be if that were the case. I have no problem at all seeing it in Settings => WLAN => Connection details. That’s of course for the local network.

And if you’re connected via mobile broadband you can’t easily access your phone over the network anyhow.

If otoh you really need to see your external IP, there’s plenty of sites that offer that service (some with no overhead at all). If Google offers that as a service on their phones, under the hood it still does the same: get a reply from some server. In any case it won’t help with OP’s problem.

So, in the WLAN scenario it really shouldn’t be a problem to connect your phone to your Windows machine. I don’t use windows but there must be some sort of SFTP filemanager plugin or mounting option.

The changing (local) IP can be fixed through either router (better) or SFOS settings.

See, that’s what I thought but apparently…

Now ipconfig doesn’t work.
Nor did hostname -i.
But ip addr show had it in a long list of different ‘connections’.

Yes, BT send works well on SF. Not sure about receive and there are a bunch of things it won’t connect to. Windows made BT receive quite functional at some point.

Are you saying your cell provider is giving you a publicly route-able IP address and also no restricting incoming traffic?
That sounds like a hackers wet dream a network full of devices that are probably not patched properly and remote access.

Either way you can use ip -br a for a more concise list.

@ohnonot thanks I forgot about that dialogue, I almost never use WiFi we have practically unlimited data here and haven’t used BT for anything but a headset in so long that I forgot you can also use it to share images, like you I don’t use windows.

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Via scanning IP address blocks? I’d imagine Android, iOS and Windows being pretty hardened against this, but do I remember one of the mobile OS’s having a vulnerability there ~12 years ago?

It’s funny that we’ve gone from ‘not being able to do this’ to ‘damn, I can actually do this’ to ‘I shouldn’t be able to do this’. :sweat_smile:

My mobile ISP is Syma, the cheapest of the cheap resellers in France. They expect you to use a manually-entered APN. I don’t know if that makes them more or less geeky/security-oriented.

I don’t talk to them frequently, and I probably couldn’t get this changed if I tried. The language barrier alone is huge.

Either way you can use ip -br a for a more concise list.


You’re imagining wrong, add to that that most hardware vendors don’t update their phones that well (it is part of the reason why google has moved more components of Android to be updatable via Google Play) and you are on a security nightmare network I would not recommend staying with them bad actors whether private or govt are undoubtedly constantly abusing this network.

Install SSHFS for Windows on Windows. If Windows can’t find the phone, connect to the phone’s Hotspot and try again.

Useful utilities: InfraView and ifconfig on the phone, Angry IP Scanner and ipconfig on Windows.

Edit: fuse-sshfs and sshfs-fuse are sshfs clients. The openssh-server is all you need on the phone.