REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): 100%
BUILD ID = OS VERSION (Settings > About product):
HARDWARE (Jolla1, Tablet, XA2,…): XA2
UI LANGUAGE: Slovenian
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): Yes
It’s not possible to load web email as the page say Loading ProtonMail… at least for a very long time.
Instead of loading, shows a message about incompatibility because of WebCrypto. This is with the freshly released 4.3.0 which promised a major update of the browser engine. Just yesterday I was at a petrol station and couldn’t log in their wi-fi because the Sailfish browser wouldn’t tick a check box! A few weeks ago it also failed to log in the wi-fi of a hotel because pressing a button did nothing. Please fix this already – I bet the number one disappointment to your potential and existing users is your malfunctioning browser.