Browser: Always enable 'new tab' pulley on tab list

The newly introduced design of the Browser’s tab overview has a fixed top bar for switching between private and regular browsing mode. above a pulley exists to open a new tab.
But while this bar is always there when scrolling down through open tabs, the pulley will get disabled once scrolling starts.

It would make sense to make the pulley always available as well to allow for adding tabs from anywhere down the list


UI wise this design is not good: you have a flickable with an attached pulley and a top and bottom bar in front of it that stays in the place. The problem is recognized by the developers because the plus at the bottom bar let you open a new tab when you are flicking…

Good point. I even read the design guide about that once.
I have to admit: the back button at the bottom made me disregarded the whole toolbar and overlook the plus sign there