Bringing back web1.0

I know this is hardly related to jolla/sfos so General it is, but I had an idea, and would love some input from technically knowledgeable folks around here.
Gigablast sadly died around a year ago, but their source is still out there:

Can any techie tell me what would be the cost to host a considerable db of this, with implemented actual anonymity and few tweaks to filter out any webpage that contains ads? The biggest problem of shrinking internet is personal webpages/blogs disappearing past page 20 of googol/bing results, why even create a page about your interest/hobby if you’re gonna get zero traffic? That’s what googol monopoly brought us with ad pages getting a bump thanks to googol marketers, bing/ddg just copied their homework and people are complaining about shrinking internet now. Pretty sure those pages are still out there, you just never got a chance to visit them. There are some projects like marginalia, but they are curated so it’s mostly for friends of friends, your blog will not be included. I’m just curious if this is like 10k$ investment or would say hdd space alone require 100k, so if anyone more hw techie than me could chime in would be grateful. Using ad promoted privacy solutions (ddg/brave/graphene/…) doesn’t really fix the main issue I believe, filtering all for profit webpages just might?


If you crave the “old” web there is also gemini (wiki)

Even if you want to filter all pages with adds you still need to index them so you would need a considerable amount of storage at “1 million web pages requires 28.6GB” (open-source-search-engine/html/faq.html at master · gigablast/open-source-search-engine · GitHub) and there are trillions of pages out there and storage will scale more or less linearly (though once you need to shard etc. you will have to provide more for overhead).
As for compute that is a lot harder to guess, but the big cost is probably storage.