Blur effect for elements


I have simple page with two rects:

code is

import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
    id: page

        Rectangle {
            color: "red"
            x: 100
            y: 100
            width: 300
            height: 150
            border.color: "yellow"
            border.width: 15
            radius: 15

        Rectangle {
            color: "green"
            x: 150
            y: 150
            width: 300
            height: 150
            border.color: "blue"
            border.width: 15
            radius: 15
            opacity: 50


How I can set blur effect (semi-transparent) for green rect , like app drawer menu ?

Hi. You may use something like this:

import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
    id: page

        Rectangle {
            color: "red"
            x: 100
            y: 100
            width: 300
            height: 150
            border.color: "yellow"
            border.width: 15
            radius: 15

        ShaderEffectSource {
            id: blurSource

            x: greenBox.x
            y: greenBox.z
            width: greenBox.width
            height: greenBox.height

            sourceItem: page
            recursive: true
            live: true
            sourceRect: Qt.rect(greenBox.x, greenBox.y, greenBox.width, greenBox.height)

        Rectangle {
            id: greenBox
            color: "green"
            x: 150
            y: 150
            width: 300
            height: 150
            border.color: "blue"
            border.width: 15
            radius: 15
            opacity: 50

            FastBlur {
                id: blur
                anchors.fill: parent
                source: blurSource
                radius: 32

I don’t test this code, but using the same method here: osmscout-sailfish/MapPage.qml at master Β· Karry/osmscout-sailfish Β· GitHub

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Thank you for link with sample, I’ll try it to investigate.

Your code sample is do animating (fade or recursive blur?) from normal colors to dark.

This is from start

and intermediate

and finish

also change y: greenBox.z to y: greenBox.y

ou, sorry. there is one mistake… sourceItem have to be sibling component, not the parent one. in such case blured image is taken as a base for the blurring. It is creating such animation :slight_smile:

I hope it’s not a stupid question but have you tried just setting opacity?
opacity: 0.6
for instance? The β€˜blur’ is β€˜there’ anyway, or?

Here’s one way. . . . .

import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0

Page {
    SilicaFlickable {
        anchors.fill: parent

        Item {
            anchors.fill: parent

            PageHeader { title: qsTr("Semi-transparent Rect") }

            Rectangle {
                color: "red"
                x: 100; y: 150; radius: 15
                width: 300; height: width/2
                border { color: "yellow"; width: 15 }
            Rectangle {
                id: greenBox
                layer.enabled: true
                color: "green"; opacity: 0.5
                x: 150; y: 200; radius: 15
                width: 300; height: width/2
                border { color: "blue"; width: 15 }
                FastBlur {
                    id: blur
                    radius: 5
                    source: greenBox
                    anchors.fill: greenBox
