Binaries for XA2 no more available from Sony

Hello everyone,
For my XA2 Dual Sim, I need software binaries SW_BINARIES_FOR_XPERIA_ANDROID_8.1.6.4_R1_V17B_NILE.ZIP.
Sony’s website does not offer this file for download anymore (Software binaries for AOSP Oreo (Android 8.1) – Kernel 4.4 – Nile (latest) | Developer World) instead it generates a “Form Error”.
Looks like XA2 is no more maintained by Sony… already labelled “legacy” after 5 years…
Despite a long search, all documentation is pointing to the URL above and I could not find an alternative repository to download these binaries from: do you know by any chance where I can download the above-mentioned binaries? Thank you so much for your kind help.
PS sorry I’m not a developer and this is my first post in this forum (have had no previous issue running SFOS on my XA2 since 2019) so I’d like to apologize if I am not posting this question in the right category/place.

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Just create a developer account on that site (there’s a login link on that very page you download the binaries from, and then there’s a link to create a new account) and you’ll be able to download whatever you like.


Smashing, thanks for providing the solution, I could download the binaries alright.
I wish Sony’s website were as clearly instructive as your answer!