Best practice: android applications and file access

Hey there,

I recently switched back to Sailfish after a year of absence, and I guess I’m not up to date any more.
Here on my X10ii with 4.1, no nemo user anymore, but defaultuser (? why), and the filestructure is as follows:
/home/defaultuser/Pictures, /home/defaultuser/Downloads, /home/defaultuser/Documents, …
while there is also:
/home/defaultuser/android_storage/DCIM, /home/defaultuser/android_storage/Downloads, …

While accessing Pictures from Android Applications (im my case Element) is working ok-ish (no previews are available in the andoird file selector), I wonder what is the best practice to access for example /home/defaultuser/Downloads … is it safe to just user symlinks into android_storage?

thanks, g

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I have a “sailfishos_storage” directory in Android… (XZ2 Compact, 4.0)

I have the same question as OP. I use an android wifi printing app (sadly SeaView doesn’t recognize my printer) and it is a hazzle to print e.g. email attachments, since the Android App does neither see downloaded documents nor the SailfishOS file system.
“Share” the opened document to the printer app doesn’t work either since the printer app doesn’t appear in the “sharable” apps.
So far I have to locate the mail attachment deep in the file system and copy it into the Android folder, then open the Android printing app and load the file.