Belgium Argenta Bank android app


I have installed my Argenta Belgium Android app, but the icons dont changed to Sailfish OS style with 4.5, als when i try to start the app it go directly to the background into a small screen and that’s it.

I have see into my .local/share/applications there are a wierd desktop file : apkd_handler_be_argenta_bankieren-be_argenta_bankieren_ui_app_Launcher$StartDeepLinkActivity.desktop

When i open the desktop file i see this:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=apkd-launcher -d %U be.argenta.bankieren.apk be.argenta.bankieren/$StartDeepLinkActivity

I think there is something wrong with it but not share any help ?


On my Xperia 10 II, it works. I have 6 .desktop files for it, but the one with the same name as yours has slightly different contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=apkd-launcher -d %U be.argenta.bankieren.apk be.argenta.bankieren/$StartDeepLinkActivity

Regarding the icons, I believe the process that changes Android icons into a Sailfish-style icon only runs at boot time, and any updates to or new Android applications you install keep the Android-style icon until you reboot. At least, I’ve noticed that every Android app I’ve updated since upgrading to 4.5.0 has reverted to using its Android-style icon.

Thanks i’m on 4.5 but it dont seems to work on the Xperia 10 III for some resion…

I have edit and copy paste your desktop entry but on my Xperia 10 III it dont works it starts but go directly into a small screen and i see only the Argenta logo so i think there is a bug…

I have made a small video what happens.

Log output:

feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III lipstick[5875]: Failed to read ‘ANDROID_DATA_ROOT’ from environment variables for template ‘env:ANDROID_DATA_ROOT’
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III lipstick[5875]: Failed to read ‘BINDER_DEV’ from environment variables for template ‘env:BINDER_DEV’
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III lipstick[5875]: Failed to read ‘HWBINDER_DEV’ from environment variables for template ‘env:HWBINDER_DEV’
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III lipstick[5875]: Failed to read ‘APKD_PACKAGE_BLACKLIST_PATH’ from environment variables for template ‘env:APKD_PACKAGE_BLACKLIST_PATH’
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III lipstick[5875]: Failed to read ‘APKD_NOTIF_BLACKLIST_PATH’ from environment variables for template ‘env:APKD_NOTIF_BLACKLIST_PATH’
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III lipstick[5875]: [D] unknown:0 - Specified Desktop file does not exist “/usr/share/applications/system_server.desktop”
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III lipstick[5875]: Launching Android Intent android.intent.action.MAIN be.argenta.bankieren/be.argenta.bankieren.ui.flows.login.SplashActivity
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III booster-generic[5634]: *** signal=17 pid=5634
feb 08 11:14:20 Xperia10III /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-generic[5634]: warning: Daemon: sending exit(0) to invoker(22870)
feb 08 11:14:21 Xperia10III kernel: rpmh_rsc_send_data: 206 callbacks suppressed

Do you use Sailfish OS 4.4

Edit: Indeed on Sfos 4.4 it works perfect so there is a bug into 4.5…

I’m using 4.5 on the Xperia 10 II, so perhaps it’s something specific to 4.5 on the Xperia 10 III. I suppose you’ve already tried restarting Android Support and/or the phone?

@jovirkku Yes i have restart the phone a lot of times :wink: i’m now on 4.4 and everything works as acept now so i think it would be specific on Xperia 10 III anyway Jolla can read this so i think the would take a look on it.

Just to add a data point: I use the Argenta app with microG and it works fine for me on my X 10 on 4.5.

@vige @jovirkku I got some info from the Sailfish Group on telegram it seems some Android apps has problem to run on a 64bit device like Argenta do, it seems it works on all 32bit devices as the told me but not on the Xperia 10 III i hope Jolla can solve this asap.

@rubdos For the record, it also works without microG.

@Rudi The Xperia 10 II is also a 64-bit device, and it works on mine, so the problem can’t be caused solely by the architecture. Maybe it’s only a problem on the 10 III?

Anyway, I just realised that we’ve been looking at the wrong desktop files. The real desktop file is called apkd_launcher_be_argenta_bankieren-be_argenta_bankieren_ui_flows_login_SplashActivity.desktop and has these contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=apkd-launcher be.argenta.bankieren.apk be.argenta.bankieren/be.argenta.bankieren.ui.flows.login.SplashActivity
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I have the same dektop file, i think it’s a problem only on the Xperia 10 III on 4.5 as on 4.4 it was working…more i dont know i hope the can solve it asap…

Indeed. I just tried the version 6.0.1 on my X10 III and it doesn’t work.

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Wierd if you ask me i dont know what the have change into 4.5…

I have a feeling this is related to what Jusa described as “better separation between Android apps” in the blog post. To me it looks like Argenta is trying to create the realm database in somewhere where it doesn’t have write access to. But I’m really not an expert and I’m just guessing.

Could this be fixed ?

I know it write the data info /home/.android/data/data/be.argenta.bankieren

I found something wrong here i think it’s some bug logcat say:

FileUtils: Failed to chmod(/data/user/0/be.argenta.bankieren/databases/google_app_measurement_local.db): android.system.ErrnoException: chmod failed: EPERM (Operation not permitted)

It seems this files exits here:


But the directory the logcat give dont exits…

Somehow Argenta is escaping the “Android jail” and is trying to write to real /data/ instead of Android’s /home/.android/data/

Sometimes symlinking works but now different Android paths have different owners and groups.

Correction: it installs in the right place - Android root in /home/.android/ - but the app tries to read (probably write, too, but it crashes on read) from real root.

Similar behavior - 32-bit works, 64 doesn’t, both work on 4.4 - also in Element IM and Netflix. X-Plane Flight Simulator doesn’t work on anything but has path issues.