Battery notifier text

Hi! I noticed that line qtn_ener_remcha, which stands for "Disconnect charger from power supply to save energy" is a notification that shows up every time when charger is disconnected, so it’s not a prompt of any kind. This behaviour can be seen from the early Sailfish OS days (I see similar message on original Jolla phone with SFOS 2.2).

When charging is complete, another notification (“Charging complete”) is shown. So my question is, what is the point of this notification? And based on when it is shown now, should it be changed / translated as “Charger is disconnected from power supply

These messages date back from the Nokia 3310 days, specifically saying “Battery full” and “Disconnect charger to save energy”.

One is just to remind you that your phone is ready for usage and ready to be disconnected from the charger.

The other is an ecological reminder to disconnect your phones charger from the mains, saving power; but also has other benefits such as eliminating coil whine when trickle charging, risk of fire, etc.


I remember these messages on old phones too. However, the “Disconnect it” reminder is not working as a reminder, i.e. it shows up when you are disconnecting the cable, not before it. Hence the question

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I suppose it’ll only show up when disconnecting the cable because then you’re physically at your phone, reminding you to also disconnect the charger.

If you were absent when charging completed, you’d miss the reminder to disconnect the charger.


Hm, that makes sense. In this case I will change how I translated this string

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