Apps by ichthyosaurus

Awesome, then I’m excited to see what you come up with :).

Thank you :blush: Let’s hope you don’t find the less-well-written parts soon ;).

Oh nice, thank you for the pointers! I’ll see if and how I can make use of that. I presume SFOS already uses these and they shouldn’t make problems with Harbour? I’ll check the docs once I’m less in a hurry…

Nice, thank you! I’ll see if that can be packaged easily because Python packaging for SFOS is still kind of like dark magic to me. I managed to avoid it until now :).

I’m doing a bunch of python stuff right now (fibonacci updates, Solver calculus app) and I have two approaches:

  1. on chum, with the help of @nephros, I released some libaries (sympy mpmath) which can be included on that dist. channel.
  2. For harbour I just package them as follows:

a) unpack the tar.gz files of the release in ${project}/${lib}
b) append libs.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET} && libs.files = lib in .pro
c) INSTALLS += libs
d) In .spec installs post section

cd %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/lib/sympy-1.9
python3 install --root=%{buildroot} --prefix=%{_datadir}/%{name}/
rm -rf  %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/lib/sympy-1.9

This is a damn slow way of building things, BUT, it get’s you into harbour and does at least mean you know EXACTLY what you get from a library, because, obviously, you’ve read every line of exactly that version :slight_smile:

I hope I have some time next week to dedicate to your app. hope, hope. And, as @dcaliste suggested, from all the time I admire your swiss meteo app, you write nice code which I should emulate more :slight_smile:

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Forgot: the .spec which includes application libraries may need a << marcros section

%define __provides_exclude_from ^%{_datadir}/%{name}/lib/.*\\.so\\>
%define __requires_exclude_from ^%{_datadir}/%{name}/lib/.*\\.so\\>

Some create so files. but not often.

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@ichthyosaurus I recognized, that I use more and more of your apps(at last I discovered your Configurable keyboard height patch).
I just wanted to say thank you. Is there a possibility to donate you some beers or coffee?


I think his donations page is visible here:

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Interesting; that looks manageable for packages that don’t have many dependencies. I’ll have to try this…

Which can also be added to the yaml file instead of the spec, by the way. IIRC there was a bug in the SDK that removed custom sections from the spec file every time it was updated from the yaml file. (I for one actually use the yaml files :).)

Aw, thank you :blush:

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Thanks a lot! It’s always nice to hear from people who use the things I build! As @poetaster just said, I have a Liberapay profile. I’m also working on putting the link on the “About” page in my apps; most of them have it already.

(There’s no Paypal option anymore because they decided to permaban me, without giving any reason and keeping my money…)

liberapay is fine for me. Will have a look for it in the evening.


Sweet, it’s much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Hi @ichthyosaurus ,
Using Todo since a week ot two, very useful.
I’t s going to replace all these papers laying around.
Ultimate feature:If it could autosync with them :blush:
In the meantime, a comment if I dare: I’d just say it misses a way to set priority fot each task.
Bit still, I use it everyday! Thanks

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Thanks, glad you like my little app! :slight_smile:

I actually consciously decided against that to prevent myself from micromanaging too much. I’m thinking about a way to implement custom sorting, though. That could then be used to set basic priorities.

My goal is to keep the whole app really simple to let the user (i.e. me :wink: ) focus on getting things done instead of losing myself in planning. The feature I miss most is an option to add multiple entries at once, so that will be the first thing I’ll focus on if/when/once I get to it.

Syncing is nice but I’m not using it currently and it seems quite complicated, so it’ll probably have to wait until I manage to release a year’s worth of piled-up changes in File Browser, and until I did some work on Whisperfish (that’s my next focus…).

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Damn, sorry, I missed translating humor! I wanted to joke about auto-syncing with all the todo papers laying around in my home :slight_smile:
Otherwise, no sync needs on my side.

:sweat_smile: You are right, it recalls me something on my side too!


Mee too, very handy app!! Thank you very much @ichthyosaurus !


You work on that and I’ll take a crack at syncing via caldav this week. I have two use cases, tasks and deck, but tasks first. I’ll use python to keep it loose.

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I really need my milestones on a completely bifurcated gantt chart :slight_smile:


Not to hijack this thread, but on the topic of TODO lists, prioritizing, and calendar sync I have come up with this concept of managing tasks:

Please ignore the app there for now, it is crap and its development has stalled, but I think the idea laid out in the README may have some merit.

If you think so too I’d love some feedback, contributions or even independent implementation of that “spec”.

Again, sorry for interjecting this here, but it seemed fitting to mention it at this point of the thread.


I’m progressing on implementing an KCalendarCore + mKCal backend. I’ll publish it soon also.

You’re proposing a Python implementation also, as far as I remember. So both solutions are orthogonal. Having it in Python is fine also. Particularly since KCalendarCore + mKCal won’t allow the application to be accepted in Harbour…

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Ah, ok. Well, I’ll step back for a minute. It seems like it would make more sense to pick up tasks that complement your work. You have much more experience with caldav work in any case! Let me know if there is something I could do.

I had also started debugging on: Tasks | — Community Repository System which is largely functional with a custom c++ caldav client. But have been in python land on other projects, hence the choice. In principal, I’d like to help where it makes the most sense to contribute but can’t always tell where that is :slight_smile:

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Is it possible this is a request that we could make at a community meeting? My hack to enable calendar entries (xdg-open) for fahrplan is still a bit of a sore point for me, although it seems to work fine for users. Or is this too much to ask?