I would like find an option to convert in vcf card format and reverse. Interesting for avoid use Google contacts or other. Interesting for transfer by USB for or into a PC
I would like search by location of contact town at minima
Thanks for your speedy ansver !
in french Paramètres -> Applications (Settings)-> Contacts (People) -> Importer depuis fichier de contacts … is good
But no Backup in Parametres (Settings). I have find Sauvegarde (Backup) but restore all from SD card … is no good, I think.
No change if I connect USB mode file transfer.
I think that options on icone Contacts (People) for import and for export is interesting.
Its a good idea but I would like save on vcf format on the SD card (or on my PC not mandatory) if the transfert file USB is ON.
Perhaps a whish to extend Share button of People ?
If I do this I get a vcf file, but for each entry also the following error message appears:
unknown:0 - Variant value is a QStringList but the property’s value type is neither CompoundType or ListType
What does this mean?
I am using since couple of years a modified version (bluez5) of buteo-syncfw and buteo-syncml-plugins with SyncEvolution. You can export the contacts to local directory for example
Does this convert the Sailfish OS sqlite contacts database to vcfs?
I cannot do a backup as there is not enough space on my SD card.
If I try to use vcardconverter I get:
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ su-devel -p /usr/bin/vcardconverter -e mycontacts.vcf
Enjoy your privileges.
[W] unknown:0 - QString::arg: Argument missing: %s: file cannot be opened: ‘%s’, /usr/bin/vcardconverter
[W] unknown:0 - QString::arg: Argument missing: %s: file cannot be opened: ‘%s’, mycontacts.vcf
%s: file cannot be opened: ‘%s’
Anyway, bluetooth working and selected all contacts, shared to other phone.