In our previous poll we asked you which APIs are missing from the list of allowed APIs in Harbour, from your point of view. In other words, what APIs would we need to allow for your app to be added to our store.
We received a nice amount of API suggestions - 28 in total. In addition to those there were some general improvement ideas about Harbour, but we will deal with those separately.
In this poll, we are asking you to help us prioritize those suggestions. Please select those APIs from the list below, which you think are the most important. The amount of APIs you can select is not limited, but please understand that we can’t have 28 top priority APIs. So try to keep the amount of APIs you select as low as possible, so that we can get meaningful data out of this poll. As a rule of thumb, try to keep below 5.
Thank You!
- QtPositioning > 5.2
- QtLocation
- Sailfish Secrets
- Possibility to have multiple binaries
- Perl executables
- Background services
- Cron-like capability
- TransferEngine
- QtBluetooth
- MediaKey
- Unified way of reporting errors
- dns-sd/mdns (aka Avahi/Bonjour)
- ssdp
- libpoppler
- Tabs UI component
- Custom auto completion (AutoFill)
- gstreamer 1.0
- phone interaction
- adding custom actions to lock screen
- access to accounts
- Contact API
- SMS (read and send)
- dbus monitoring
- Qt5Feedback
- Silica Component to select a folder
- BubbleBackground
- Push Notifications API
0 voters