Anyone wants a Jolla 1 and C?

I’m cleaning up my drawers and I found my old Jolla 1 (white back) and Jolla C (red back), both used. I figure they’re pretty useless now, and I’m not a collector. But if someone wants to have them, I’d only charge for the shipping costs.

Both have been factory reset, and they come with the original box (but not the charger / cable / accessories).

In the unlikely case there is more than one person interested, I would give preference to community/app developers as a thank you. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I’m shipping from Pisa, Italy. Based on courier websites I estimate 25-35 € for shipping inside the EU, maybe a little cheaper to Germany than to Finland. No customs fees inside the Schengen area for sure.


Do you have any idea how much would be the shipping for Germany? Im asking mostly for possible customs.

I’d like to buy the Jolla C. I’ll send you a private message so we can discuss the details!

If any of the two devices is still available, I would also be interested!

I can also give away a J1 (orange back).

Unfortunately it has been residing in my drawer for several years now, so it is very well possible that the battery is not very good anymore. At the moment it is charging, the phone started, but obviously I can’t guarantee that it will last for more than a few minutes :wink:

I will send it for free within Germany (uninsured package) if the recipient donates a small amount of her/his choice to Mission Lifeline (

[EDIT: already gone]


Same as @multispeedlurker - shipping from/to Germany if you are donating in return.
Jolla 1 - white back, battery working - has been charged sometimes, not blown - laying in the drawer for years (since Xperia X came out…)

@fph Did you get my private message? Or are you waiting for more offers? :slight_smile:

I’d love the Jolla C if available.