Anybody used CalyxOS?

Ended up with a Samsung Note 10+. Shop had a gorgeous ONeplus 8T5G, but where I live in Thailand no one can work on the Pixel or the Oneplus and EVERY shop can work on a Samsung.

I looked hard at iode. I was leaning towards it until I saw the last pkg updates to install were a year ago vs Lineage with MicroG just a few days ago. There were a couple of features like the ad blocker the the gps patch that I really like, but in the end I went with Lineage.

Might still be interesting

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I ended up with a Samsung Note 10+ and installed LIneage OS for Micro G. The only thing google on my phone now is maps. So nice having everything just work, including the camera and a keyboard I can type on.

I really hope some day SFOS is available for a premium phone.