Any hope for a dead Xp 10 ii? [SOLVED]

I would appreciate it if anybody have a clue of what kind of error I’ve encountered with my apparantly dead Xperia 10 ii on

To my astonishment on new years eve I lifted it up of my pocket to discover it was not responding. I believed it had ample battery charge when I’d put it there some hours ago, but there was no reaction to pressing the power button. Connecting to a charger it got alive and after a booting process I could confirm that the charge was 82 %. I was in a hurry, and just thought that somehow there might have been a long press to the power button that had shut it off, (something that actually happens a little too often when hand holding Xperias, due to the positioning of the power button …), and that a snag had prevented an ordinary reboot. So I disconnected the charger and did not do more than to put the phone back to my pocket.

Upon picking the phone up one hour later, it appeared dead once more - and this time there was now effect neither of power button nor connecting to charger.
I’ve tried to wiggle and squeeze the phone body somewhat carefully, and also the connector, and try with other charger/connector, but to no avail.

Question is if there is anything I can do now?
I don’t really care about the phone itself, because I have other phones in the pipeline that I just was about to take into use, but I REALLY should like to get hold of some important notes and records that wasn’t yet backed up.

try pressing volume up and power button for about 30 seconds. it should force a reboot. sometimes this helps me

My old 10 II broke after falling in a way that I was sure that whole phone was dead altough there were no cracks visible. When I checked it closely with good source of focused light screen had a long crack inside and was actually displaying correct image but with no backlight. So the phone was working but it didn’t look like it. But I suppose that if you woken it up once with the charger your case is different. But if I was in your shoes i would check anyway

Thanks, I’ve tried the tips from both of you, @smatkovi and @Ride92 – but to no avail.

The only thing that actually helped was that my wife just managed to drag the charger cord so that the phone fell onto the floor. Some minutes after that, while it was connected to the charger, it suddenly started booting. It didn’t request for the SIM PIN number, (which I incidentally begun to wonder if it also didn’t do at the last boot-up on New Years Eve), and has now no connection to the carrier.

But, halleluja!, I was able to complete a security backup, and that’s all that’s important to me.
So, now, I shall get on installing SFOS on another Xperia.

Had hoped the the 10 ii would last until I could install SFOS on the 10 V that has been lying waiting for this, or that I got an unbricked C2, but will now have to install on a 10 iii that I until yesterday had hoped to skip over.

(Still wondering what went wrong with the 10 ii in my roomy pocket, though …)


I had a similar experience with my 10iii. I was sitting on an airplane for a long haul, turning off my phone to save the battery although it had a 70% charge. And putting it in the seat-sleeve in front of me. Going in for landing 8 hours later I try to turn it on. It was completely dead. I tried all the tricks in the toolbox to no avail. Plugging it into a charger showed no response either. Long story short I had to buy a new phone at the airport. Back at home I flashed another 10iii with Sailfish and restored a fairly recent backup. A few months later I plugged in the faulty phone into a charger just out of curiosity and to my surprise it started to charge from 0%. Fully charged it started normally. Very very strange. One can only speculate but it’s like it got locked up in the circuits, a lock that only got unlocked by it being fully discharged. I’m very happy with my new 10iii but feels I can’t trust it not happening again.