Announcing SailfishOS-Chum-Gui 0.3

Yeah, I can sadly confirm that. I had to wait for some updates I uploaded to openrepos to confirm :). It even seems to span more than repo. sigh.

Ah well, best to keep everything up to date anyway :smiley:

Do not mess with running system :slight_smile:

is Chum GUI v1.0 the moment where Sailfish Chum becomes the app ‘solution’ for Jo User?

Chum is obviously in development right now, fair enough, but curious when its going to reach a level of usability where ‘Jo’ is invested in using it…

For bg info - we were considering releasing the last version as 1.0. In the end, we went with the increment of the version number to

  • have a chance to fix bugs if they come out after such larger rewrite
  • allow to translations to catch up

The bugs reported so far are not really a show-stoppers in my understanding. I think you can use it already.


Request: sort by… (whatever)


Sort by “last updated” would be great!


“last updated” is tricky. Haven’t found a way to get that from PackageKit. Tips are welcome


I have no idea, but as far as I know Gnome Software and KDE Discover also use PackageKit and they somehow manage to offer this category. So I guess there has to be a way?

Anyway, thank you for your work so far!

Looked into Discover and it is not able to get release date via PackageKit: libdiscover/backends/PackageKitBackend/PackageKitResource.h · master · Plasma / Discover · GitLab

The only place it is able to get that data with this backend is through AppStream data: libdiscover/backends/PackageKitBackend/AppPackageKitResource.cpp · master · Plasma / Discover · GitLab

So, no go and cannot get that info from it.


Little small remark, almost cosmetic:
As the amount of applications are growing, I noticed that Chum was coming back at the beginning of the apps list after having installed an app.
The user has then to scroll all the way down to continue “shopping” where he left it.
This hurts the finger :innocent:
I thought Chum could come back where the user left the app list to continue exploring right away.

Great app giving access to great apps anyway!


That could be a side effect of Search getting focus :thinking: . Ideally, please file as an issue at Github

Ok, thanks. Done. (foo and bar have 20 char)


The “Diskussionsforum”-link for github-apps links to the “discussions”-subdir while it should link to “issues” (I guess), since the discussions dir does not exist for most apps.

For Issues there is a separate link in GUI. Discussion forum is a separate feature and can be set to point to any address by developer (for example, post at FSO)

Ah, ok. Just checked some github apps and for all apps I tried the pulley entry points to a 404 in github. Maybe it’s possible to (automatically) hide this entry if the discussion forum is not present?

Could be possible via Github API - feel free to open an issue regarding it.

Hi all, I installed Chum Gui on an XA2+ with and it worked. The phone is now updated to EA and there are no apps anymore in Chum. Tried to force it using the Override repository but to no avail.

The settings page now says manually set which is ok as it is set this way. But it will not revert back if I try changing to manually. One can not delete this repository selection anymore.

I will probably delete the .chum folder somewhere to reset the settings and see if that helps populate the Applications.

If some things disappear, sometimes after rebooting the desktop by Hilfsprogramme, they come back again. maybe worth a try.

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Works fine for me when overriding the release number to Probably the repository needs to be updated but I doubt it’s worth the efforts for an intermediate EA release…