Android Support/Alien Dalvik no longer working []

Done, all works now ! Thank you !

same isuue with XA2 recently updated from 3.3 to 3.4. After several reinstalls of android support and aliendalvik this is the only think that worked. THANKS!!

would you mark @jovirkku 's answer

as solution for other running into this?
(knowing this is not a solution but a workaround)

Hi, I may be doing something wrong but having run these commands, unfortunately the issue is persisting (XA2 single SIM).
I’m able to uninstall and reinstall Android Support in the store, however when I go into Android Support settings, the options to Start or Start on Bootup do not respond (the option being pressed is recognized). I get the responses seen on attached screenshot when entering commands, and have tried restarting between uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. The flickering has gone but Android apps don’t finish loading. It’s like there’s something missing that it needs to get going again, hoping I didn’t delete the wrong thing but was pretty careful with the commands.

Edit-- Forgot to mention that when I try to open an Android app, it opens the Android Support page in the Jolla Store, whether it’s currently uninstalled or installed.
Thanks for any assistance with this, if a fix is incoming, I won’t mind waiting a few days. I’m able to get by surprisingly well (Pocket Casts web app is usable in landscape with updated browser) without Android so far.

Removed aliendalivik-control before the update, because I read about problems with it. Android support did not work after the update. First I thought everything needs to be reinstalled. But after reading here, I tried reinstalling aliendalvik control and now it works again!

The solution does not work for me either. I have the same error message as @MikeB .

Today I have installed Alien Dalvik Control v9.3.1 for the first time, to find out, if some android apps would work, that currently do not start. All without issues as long, as I did not uninstall ADC.
After removing ADC I realized that none of my android apps are starting… After installing ADC again, all applications, that started before were starting again.

Thank you, works a treat.

Is there any evidence yet what caused the issues for some people? Could it be that MicroG also causes problems?

Update contains the fix for this problem.


While the problem is supposedly fixed by now, I can confirm that the problem was not caused by MicroG - at least Micro G on my Xperia 10 and on my XA2 did not cause problems when updating to

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Thanks for sharing your Insights! Good to know. :slight_smile:

can you run android calendars with microG? (or would that require GApps?)

Don’t really understand the intention of this question - I guess it’s meant in general?
Sure you can use android calendars, also without MicroG. But you need to sync your CalDAV account separately in android subsystem, other than contacts the calenders aren’t shared to android subsystem by Sailfish OS. It would be enough to enable android support, install F-Droid store and install DavX for syncing CalDAV data and for example Simple Calendar by Simple Mobile Tools. I can confirm that this calendar app is working, but didn’t check DavX (no need for me to use android calendar app on Sailfish).

“can you run android calendars with microG? (or would that require GApps?)”

I cannot tell because I have no Google account - sorry

I installed microG and I installed cavX5 so a andriod calendar app could recognize a nextcloud calendar. The android calendar app shows neither Google Calendars, nor calDav Calendars. Seems to have to do with Android 8.1 on the XA, because on my Xperia X this used to work quite well.
The microG self test informs Play Store’s signature is missing.

After flashing sailfish on an Xperia Xa2 I just bought second hand, I boot it up, I log to my jolla account, then I’m proposed to install the jolla apps except android support and predictive text input. I can’t isntall them at all, because they’re not proposed in jolla store. Not sure the problem is related, but maybe, so… (I already posted in SFOS 3.4 encryption jolla account, not sure where I should.)
I’ve got this :
[defaultuser@XperiaXA2 ~] systemctl status android ● android.service Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory) Active: inactive (dead) And this : [defaultuser@XperiaXA2 ~] systemctl status
● XperiaXA2
State: degraded
Jobs: 0 queued
Failed: 1 units
Since: Thu 2020-10-22 13:56:37 CEST; 1h 3min ago
CGroup: /
├─1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
│ ├─ohmd.service
│ │ └─2867 /usr/sbin/ohmd --no-daemon --mlock=none
│ ├─dbus.service
│ │ └─2232 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation
│ ├─connman-vpn.service
│ │ └─4739 /usr/sbin/connman-vpnd -n
│ ├─usb-moded.service
│ │ └─2865 /usr/sbin/usb_moded --systemd --force-syslog
│ ├─wpa_supplicant.service
│ │ └─4729 /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -O/var/run/wpa_supplicant -u -P
│ ├─sailfish-fpd.service
│ │ ├─4281 /usr/bin/sailfish-fpd --systemd
│ │ └─4284 /usr/lib/sailfish-fpd/fpslave --log-to=syslog --log-level=4
│ ├─dsme.service
│ │ ├─2645 /usr/sbin/dsme – -p /usr/lib/dsme/ --systemd
│ │ └─2710 /usr/sbin/dsme-server -p /usr/lib/dsme/ --systemd
│ ├─sailfish-devicelock-encsfa-fpd.service
│ │ └─2906 /usr/lib/qt5/plugins/devicelock/encsfa-fpd --daemon
│ ├─dbus-org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.service
│ │ └─3085 /usr/libexec/polkit-1/polkitd --no-debug
│ ├─systemd-journald.service
│ │ └─691 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
│ ├─systemd-ask-password-wall.service
│ │ └─4536 /usr/bin/systemd-tty-ask-password-agent --wall
│ ├─udisks2.service
│ │ └─2921 /usr/libexec/udisks2/udisksd
│ ├─mce.service
│ │ └─2160 /usr/sbin/mce --systemd
│ ├─connman.service
│ │ └─4465 /usr/sbin/connmand -n -W nl80211 --nobacktrace --systemd --noplugin=wifi
│ ├─systemd-logind.service
│ │ └─2916 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind
│ ├─dbus-org.pacrunner.service
│ │ └─6819 /usr/sbin/pacrunner -n
│ ├─droid-hal-init.service
│ │ ├─2874 /sbin/droid-hal-init
│ │ ├─2883 /odm/bin/qseecomd
│ │ ├─2885 /system/bin/hwservicemanager
│ │ ├─2886 /system/bin/logd
│ │ ├─2887 /system/bin/servicemanager
│ │ ├─2888 /vendor/bin/vndservicemanager /dev/vndbinder
│ │ ├─2895 /odm/bin/qseecomd
│ │ ├─2917 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.boot@1.0-service
│ │ ├─2919 /odm/bin/hw/android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0-service-qti
│ │ ├─3049 /system/bin/hw/android.hidl.allocator@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3051 /vendor/bin/hw/
│ │ ├─3053 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3054 /vendor/bin/hw/
│ │ ├─3055 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.cas@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3056 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.configstore@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3057 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.drm@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3058 /vendor/bin/hw/
│ │ ├─3059 /vendor/bin/hw/
│ │ ├─3060 /vendor/bin/hw/
│ │ ├─3061 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.memtrack@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3063 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.nfc@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3064 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.power@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3065 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.sensors@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3067 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.thermal@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3068 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.usb@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3069 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.vibrator@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3070 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service
│ │ ├─3072 /system/bin/thermalserviced
│ │ ├─3073 /odm/bin/mlog_qmi_service
│ │ ├─3074 /odm/bin/msm_irqbalance -f /vendor/etc/msm_irqbalance.conf
│ │ ├─3075 /odm/bin/pd-mapper
│ │ ├─3076 /odm/bin/pm-service
│ │ ├─3077 /odm/bin/rmt_storage
│ │ ├─3078 /odm/bin/sct_service
│ │ ├─3080 /odm/bin/ta_qmi_service
│ │ ├─3081 /odm/bin/tad_static /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/TA 0,16
│ │ ├─3082 /odm/bin/tftp_server
│ │ ├─3083 /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/minimediaservice
│ │ ├─3084 /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/minisfservice
│ │ ├─3086 /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.gnss@1.0-service-qti
│ │ ├─3087 /system/bin/drmserver
│ │ ├─3088 /system/bin/installd
│ │ ├─3090 /system/bin/mediadrmserver
│ │ ├─3091 media.extractor aextractor
│ │ ├─3092 media.metrics diametrics
│ │ ├─3093 /system/bin/storaged
│ │ ├─3094 /odm/bin/adsprpcd
│ │ ├─3095 media.codec hw/
│ │ ├─3099 /vendor/bin/hw/rild
│ │ ├─3100 /vendor/bin/thermanager /vendor/etc/thermanager.xml
│ │ ├─3158 /system/bin/gatekeeperd /data/misc/gatekeeper
│ │ ├─3159 /system/bin/tombstoned
│ │ ├─3160 /system/bin/update_engine --logtostderr --foreground
│ │ ├─3161 /vendor/bin/hw/
│ │ ├─3162 /odm/bin/cnss-daemon -n -l
│ │ ├─3163 /odm/bin/sensors.qcom
│ │ ├─3165 /odm/bin/adsprpcd audiopd
│ │ ├─3166 /odm/bin/netmgrd
│ │ └─3167 /odm/bin/pm-proxy
│ ├─sensorfwd.service
│ │ └─3089 /usr/sbin/sensorfwd -c=/etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf --systemd --log-level=warning --no-magnetometer-b
│ ├─ofono.service
│ │ └─2931 /usr/sbin/ofonod -n --nobacktrace --noplugin=,he910,dun_gw_bluez5,hfp_bluez5,cdma_provision,isimodem,n
│ ├─systemd-udevd.service
│ │ └─723 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
│ ├─bluebinder.service
│ │ └─3472 /usr/sbin/bluebinder
│ ├─quota_nld.service
│ │ └─2907 /usr/sbin/quota_nld --foreground --no-console --print-below
│ ├─bluetooth.service
│ │ └─4740 /usr/libexec/bluetooth/bluetoothd -n
│ └─nfcd.service
│ └─2918 /usr/sbin/nfcd -o syslog
│ ├─4813 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
│ ├─4815 (sd-pam)
│ ├─jolla-signon-ui.service
│ │ └─5111 /usr/bin/invoker -o -s --type=qt5 /usr/bin/jolla-signon-ui
│ ├─voicecall-manager.service
│ │ └─4862 /usr/bin/invoker -o --type=qt5 /usr/bin/voicecall-manager
│ ├─dbus.service
│ │ ├─4824 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --session --address=systemd: --nofork --systemd-activation
│ │ └─4884 /usr/libexec/dconf-service
│ ├─obex.service
│ │ └─5029 /usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd -n --capability !/usr/bin/obex-capability --noplugin=irmc,mas,syncevo
lution,ftp --exclude=bluetooth:pcsuite --root=/home/defaultuser
│ ├─msyncd.service
│ │ └─4856 /usr/bin/invoker -G -o -s --type=qt5 /usr/bin/msyncd
│ ├─timed-qt5.service
│ │ └─4820 /usr/bin/timed-qt5 --systemd
│ ├─tracker-miner-fs.service
│ │ └─5287 /usr/libexec/tracker-miner-fs
│ ├─connectionagent.service
│ │ └─4855 /usr/bin/invoker -o --type=qt5 /usr/bin/connectionagent
│ ├─pulseaudio.service
│ │ ├─5148 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no -n --file=/etc/pulse/
│ │ └─5227 /usr/libexec/audiosystem-passthrough/audiosystem-passthrough --module
│ ├─booster-browser.service
│ │ ├─5280 /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-browser --systemd
│ │ ├─5282 /usr/bin/sailfish-browser
│ │ └─6731 booster [browser]
│ ├─booster-qt5.service
│ │ ├─ 4821 /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-qt5 --systemd --boot-mode
│ │ ├─ 4827 /usr/bin/connectionagent
│ │ ├─ 4861 /usr/bin/msyncd
│ │ ├─ 4863 /usr/bin/ambienced
│ │ ├─ 4866 /usr/bin/voicecall-manager
│ │ ├─ 4869 /usr/bin/messageserver5
│ │ ├─ 4935 /usr/bin/commhistoryd
│ │ ├─ 5115 /usr/bin/jolla-signon-ui
│ │ ├─ 5120 /usr/bin/maliit-server
│ │ ├─ 5127 /usr/bin/contactsd
│ │ └─12205 booster [qt5]
│ ├─ngfd.service
│ │ └─4859 /usr/bin/ngfd
│ ├─voicecall-ui-prestart.service
│ │ └─5166 /usr/bin/invoker -o -s --type=silica-qt5 /usr/bin/voicecall-ui -prestart
│ ├─mission-control-5.service
│ │ └─4858 /usr/bin/invoker --type=generic /usr/libexec/mission-control-5
│ ├─booster-generic.service
│ │ ├─4822 /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-generic --systemd
│ │ ├─4826 /usr/bin/sailfishsecretsd
│ │ ├─4909 /usr/libexec/mission-control-5
│ │ ├─4969 /usr/libexec/telepathy-ring
│ │ └─6890 booster [generic]
│ ├─ohm-session-agent.service
│ │ └─4834 /usr/bin/ohm-session-agent
│ ├─telepathy-ring.service
│ │ └─4973 /usr/bin/invoker --type=generic /usr/libexec/telepathy-ring
│ ├─contactsd.service
│ │ └─5284 /usr/bin/invoker -o -s --global-syms --type=qt5 /usr/bin/contactsd
│ ├─commhistoryd.service
│ │ └─5107 /usr/bin/invoker -o --type=qt5 /usr/bin/commhistoryd
│ ├─simkit-agent.service
│ │ └─5281 /usr/bin/simkit
│ ├─messageserver5.service
│ │ └─4925 /usr/bin/invoker -o --type=qt5 --global-syms /usr/bin/messageserver5
│ ├─sailfish-secretsd.service
│ │ └─4835 /usr/bin/invoker -o --type=generic /usr/bin/sailfishsecretsd
│ ├─profiled.service
│ │ └─4838 /usr/bin/profiled
│ ├─lipstick-security-ui.service
│ │ └─5165 /usr/bin/invoker -s --type=silica-session /usr/libexec/lipstick-security-ui
│ ├─lipstick.service
│ │ ├─4888 /usr/bin/lipstick -plugin evdevtouch -plugin evdevkeyboard:keymap=/usr/share/qt5/keymaps/droid.qma
p --systemd
│ │ └─6728 invoker -s --type=browser -G /usr/bin/sailfish-browser
│ ├─ambienced.service
│ │ └─4860 /usr/bin/invoker -o -s --type=qt5 /usr/bin/ambienced
│ └─maliit-server.service
│ └─5110 /usr/bin/invoker --type=qt5 /usr/bin/maliit-server
│ ├─ 4767 /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-silica-session --boot-mode
│ ├─ 4818 (sd-pam)
│ ├─ 5125 /usr/libexec/lipstick-security-ui
│ ├─ 5151 /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-silica-media --daemon
│ ├─ 5157 booster [silica-media]
│ ├─ 5163 /usr/libexec/mapplauncherd/booster-silica-qt5 --daemon
│ ├─ 5168 /usr/bin/voicecall-ui -prestart
│ ├─ 5174 booster [silica-session]
│ ├─ 6465 /usr/bin/jolla-settings -prestart
│ └─15213 booster [silica-qt5]
├─15383 systemctl status
├─15384 more
├─23184 sshd: defaultuser [priv
├─23200 sshd: defaultuser@pts/
└─23201 -bash
That can be useful if someone knows how to interpret it…
And if the way I posted it is a little inappropriated tell me…

I use this same topic, i have a problem that i cant find from jolla store this android support anymore, how can i enable android support for newest sfos

For me the problem was that my license was attached to an old phone I lost. So I contacted jolla, they disassociated my previous phone from my account, which enabled me, after logging in again, to access the licensed apps. But contrary to what jolla told me, it took some days after they confirmed they solved the problem to take effect. So if you’re in the same case I was, try contacting them, and be patient…

1 Like

Thx for reply, this sounds same as i have now going on. I installed fresh copy of sfos to xperia xa2 that i purchased few weeks ago, and i cant get android support working on it now. IMEI is updated to devices list, but still wont work. I´ll contact them and lets see if it helps.