Android™ App Support Top Menu Switch

Hi @PeperJohnny, where do I have to place the files? I am quite new to Sailfish and the Qt universe. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

If I understand the spec correctly you need to copy the .qml files to /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/aliendalvik/
and the .json file to /usr/share/jolla-settings/entries/
You could also try to build the package yourself with the SDK tool Building packages - advanced techniques | Sailfish OS Documentation

Well, yes and no. We know starting AD takes time. Couldn’t this switch just show a waiting sign before the start of AD is being completed and then only turn to a started state?


Another thing that makes me wonder (and tear my hair) why it’s not implemented after all these years…

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If you are still interesting on it and you are using patchmanager, you can try “Android Support button” patch from Catalog Web


Didn’t work that well on my X10III. It gave me one more torch button instead of a android button. :smile:

Reboot made it happen the right way. Looks like it’s working fine now. Thanks!

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Thank you for the offer but I don’t use PatchManager and won’t in the near future as my phone is my main device and I can’t take the risk of adding fiddle software.
Why on earth is a dev. capable of puling it off and Jolla can’t. Is it just time?

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Nicely done @carmenfdezb - I don’t use patchmanager any more, to many problems for me personally. So instead, i added the files you provide for your patch and now I have a working stop-start button for Android runtime :slight_smile:


It’s not a priority for what little resources Jolla apparently has.

Doing it together…we make it, jolla may follow, or…may not.


It’s weird, I don’t understand why you get torch button, but it’s nice to hear that it’s working for you, thank you for the feedback.
In my case (I installed it in my devices: XA2 and 10 II) it worked fine and I didn’t reboot them.

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I understand you and I hope Jolla implement this feature soon, but I agree with @Edz, Jolla is a small company with limit resources and there are a lot of bugs to fix.

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Could you share the steps needed to add these files and make it work without PatchManager? That would surely help some users and I would definitely mark this feature request as Solved.

Before I give details to @Maximilian1st - can someone here confirm for me that stop-start-runtime.json is an ORIGINAL file found in /usr/share/jolla-settings/entries

Sounds daft, but often i do things on automatic pilot and don’t always recall what or how I did it.

I don’t have stop-start-runtime.json file in /usr/share/jolla-settings/entries/ .

android-support-button patch only modifies android-runtime.json file in /usr/share/jolla-settings/entries/ and add EnableSwitch.qml to /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/android-runtime/.

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Gracias @carmenfdezb - clearly i have created this file (wow, where is my head at!!)


@Maximilian1st - apologies for delay. I’ve had no end of problems with Android Support since I fumbled through adding the shortcut. I lost Android Support a few days and could not get it back. After 3 days of messing around, I have it working again and have removed the elements associated with the top menu shortcut. As a result, I don’t think there is any value in me giving any instructions to the “balls up” I made of it, yet it worked at first…apologies for time wasting.

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You are the only one who wasted some of your precious time trying this shortcut menu and I thank you for the effort.
I realised that I have a constant use of Android apps which was not the case at the time I wrote this question first. In the end it is getting harder to live outside the big ecosystems and that is a sad thing.


Not sure if its the right place to report, but ‘Android support button’ patch doesnt work on 4.6 (xa2)

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Yep, I have to fix it and I think it will be available for sfos 4.6 this weekend :slight_smile:


It’s already available in Web Catalog.