Android app support doesn't start after long uptime

Again, after 25 days of uptime Android app support refuses to start.

     #               Uptime | System                                     Boot up
     1    32 days, 16:12:59 | Linux 4.19.188            Tue Dec 27 19:35:05 2022
     2    25 days, 16:18:35 | Linux 4.19.248            Wed Jul 12 14:47:01 2023
     3    25 days, 15:25:44 | Linux 4.19.248            Tue Sep 12 17:24:32 2023
->   4    25 days, 08:52:21 | Linux 4.19.248            Thu Nov  2 11:02:32 2023
     5    25 days, 03:11:28 | Linux 4.19.248            Sun Oct  8 08:50:43 2023
     6    25 days, 00:35:38 | Linux 4.19.248            Fri Jun  2 06:50:42 2023
     7    24 days, 23:32:13 | Linux 4.19.248            Mon May  8 07:18:02 2023
     8    24 days, 22:46:56 | Linux 4.19.248            Thu Apr 13 08:30:38 2023
     9    23 days, 03:53:04 | Linux 4.19.248            Sat Feb 25 10:35:06 2023
    10    12 days, 16:09:11 | Linux 4.19.248            Fri Mar 31 16:21:00 2023
1up in     0 days, 06:33:24 | at                        Tue Nov 28 02:28:17 2023
no1 in     7 days, 07:20:39 | at                        Tue Dec  5 03:15:32 2023
    up   336 days, 18:20:53 | since                     Sun Dec 25 17:03:50 2022
  down     0 days, 08:30:10 | since                     Sun Dec 25 17:03:50 2022
   %up               99.895 | since                     Sun Dec 25 17:03:50 2022

Thank you for one more data point around the ~25 day mark!

I did a few quick calculations, it went like this

  • 25 days in milliseconds → 2,160,000,000
  • Wait, what was uint32_max? → 4,294,967,295
  • Okay, what is int32_max? → 2,147,483,647
  • What’s int32_max milliseconds in days? → 24.855… days → close enough?

Some days ago I was watching Stand-up Maths - Help, our train home is making 9 quintillion stops.

You might be on to something.

@ziellos how did you get this “report” ??

Guys I am at day 14 and 1h uptime, means at 11 December I will reach 25 days of uptime. Is there anything I can do to help around the “target” day? Collect any logs / run any test etc ? let me know! Since this seems to happen once every 25 days we should grab any chance for debugging!

This is the output of the uprecords utility, which is part of the uptimed package.


I have met the same issue and logs but unfortunately restarting the phone doesn’t help.
Is there anything else I can do about this?

Did you hit it on 11th december?

This might be another issue if rebooting doesn’t help you can collect logs.
This wiki page should have the proper commands on it Testing Advice | Sailfish OS Documentation

You’ll want logcat for logs from inside android and devel-su journalctl for the sfos side

Might be another but logs look very similar.
Since Android Appsupport doesn’t work at all a Logcat doesn’t work as well.

Additional information:

[root@Xperia10II system]# systemctl --failed
  UNIT                         LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION              
● aliendalvik.service          loaded failed failed Alien Dalvik             
● lxc@multi-user.service       loaded failed failed LXC Container: multi-user
● systemd-modules-load.service loaded failed failed Load Kernel Modules      
[root@Xperia10II system]# systemctl status systemd-modules-load
● systemd-modules-load.service - Load Kernel Modules
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2023-12-26 11:54:25 CET; 13min ago
     Docs: man:systemd-modules-load.service(8)
  Process: 27908 ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-modules-load (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 27908 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Dec 26 11:54:25 Xperia10II systemd-modules-load[27908]: Failed to lookup alias 'veth': Function not implemented
Dec 26 11:54:25 Xperia10II systemd-modules-load[27908]: Failed to lookup alias 'xt_CHECKSUM': Function not implemented
Dec 26 11:54:25 Xperia10II systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Dec 26 11:54:25 Xperia10II systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Dec 26 11:54:25 Xperia10II systemd[1]: Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.
Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable.
[root@Xperia10II system]# systemctl status aliendalvik.service
● aliendalvik.service - Alien Dalvik
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/aliendalvik.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/aliendalvik.service.d
           └─01-prevent-start.conf, 01-user.conf
   Active: failed (Result: protocol) since Tue 2023-12-26 11:59:21 CET; 8min ago
  Process: 29130 ExecStopPost=/usr/libexec/appsupport/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 29081 ExecStart=/usr/libexec/appsupport/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 29067 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c while ! systemctl-user is-active lipstick.service 1>/dev/null; do sleep 1; done (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 29081 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29081]: lxc-start: aliendalvik: start.c: do_start: 1291 Failed to setup container "aliendalvik"
Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29081]: lxc-start: aliendalvik: sync.c: sync_wait: 36 An error occurred in another process (expected sequence number 3)
Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29081]: lxc-start: aliendalvik: start.c: __lxc_start: 2053 Failed to spawn container "aliendalvik"
Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29081]: lxc-start: aliendalvik: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 308 The container failed to start
Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29081]: lxc-start: aliendalvik: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 314 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options
Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29081]: cat: can't open '/home/.android/data/alien_boot_completed': No such file or directory
Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29130]: lxc-attach: aliendalvik: attach.c: get_attach_context: 403 Failed to get init pid
Dec 26 11:59:20 Xperia10II[29130]: lxc-attach: aliendalvik: attach.c: lxc_attach: 1430 Failed to get attach context
Dec 26 11:59:21 Xperia10II systemd[1]: aliendalvik.service: Failed with result 'protocol'.
Dec 26 11:59:21 Xperia10II systemd[1]: Stopped Alien Dalvik.
[root@Xperia10II system]# systemctl status lxc@multi-user.service
● lxc@multi-user.service - LXC Container: multi-user
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lxc@.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2023-12-26 10:24:51 CET; 1h 42min ago
     Docs: man:lxc-start
  Process: 5852 ExecStart=/usr/bin/lxc-start -F -n multi-user (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 5852 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Does booting a SailfishOS recovery image via fastboot boot may break Android app support?

Why (how!) would it?

I don’t know but this was the only activity I have done when Android App support stopped working. Now I’m trying to regain /root space but with 790MB free Android App support still doesn’t start with errors as above.

The issue happened again today after about 25 days of uptime.
During that period, I completely avoided to restart app support, so the problem is really related to uptime, not to the number of restarts or other interactions.

[defaultuser@Xperia ~]$ uprecords 
     #               Uptime | System                                     Boot up
     1    32 days, 16:12:59 | Linux 4.19.188            Tue Dec 27 19:35:05 2022
->   2    25 days, 22:23:15 | Linux 4.19.248            Tue Jan  9 11:11:17 2024
     3    25 days, 16:18:35 | Linux 4.19.248            Wed Jul 12 14:47:01 2023
     4    25 days, 15:25:44 | Linux 4.19.248            Tue Sep 12 17:24:32 2023
     5    25 days, 09:36:51 | Linux 4.19.248            Thu Nov  2 11:02:32 2023
     6    25 days, 03:11:28 | Linux 4.19.248            Sun Oct  8 08:50:43 2023
     7    25 days, 00:35:38 | Linux 4.19.248            Fri Jun  2 06:50:42 2023
     8    24 days, 23:32:13 | Linux 4.19.248            Mon May  8 07:18:02 2023
     9    24 days, 22:46:56 | Linux 4.19.248            Thu Apr 13 08:30:38 2023
    10    23 days, 03:53:04 | Linux 4.19.248            Sat Feb 25 10:35:06 2023
no1 in     6 days, 17:49:45 | at                        Sun Feb 11 03:24:17 2024
    up   405 days, 07:55:04 | since                     Sun Dec 25 17:03:50 2022
  down     0 days, 08:35:38 | since                     Sun Dec 25 17:03:50 2022
   %up               99.912 | since                     Sun Dec 25 17:03:50 2022

Hm, Windows XP has a max uptime of 49.7 days! That’s twice that! :smiley:


(and yes, that’s because of an integer overflow.)

Is this related maybe?


My wild guess is that’s a similar issue, but somehow related to lxc. Other services may be controlled without problems, Android app support (based on lxc) is the only one affected, at least in my experience.

At the moment my Xperia 10 III is at 27 days of uptime, and Android App Support ist still active (because I didn’t restart it recently).
That means I am now in the situation where the LXC container is currently running, but is expected to fail when trying to restart it. Has anyone an idea what to investigate now?

I hit this today at 29 days phone uptime, but I’m pretty sure App Support has been restarted multiple times inbetween.

So there’s nothing we know to restart, and reboot is currently the only way out?

My observation is that restarting app support fails if the system uptime exceeds 25 days. So it could be you restarted app support before that point, or it could be a different issue.

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Ohhh I see, indeed that could be the case here - no restarts I can remember in the last 4 days. And now I’ve crossed into the netherworlds :frowning:

This is fixed in 4.6.0 Sauna :slight_smile: Next up: reaching 25 days of uptime to test it :grin: