Android App Support does not start

HARDWARE: xqau52 / Xperia 10 II Dual SIM


Android App Support stopped working and does not work since then.
What I have done to make it work:

  1. I have increased free space on / up to 1,2 GB
  2. I have AAS reinstalled


The only activity I have done when it stopped working was to boot a SailfishOS recovery image via fastboot boot in attempt to increase root filesystem and run fsck. After booting normal OS the AAS dosn not start anymore.


  1. It is hard to tell because it is still in fault state.


Android App Support does start again.


Android App Support does not start.


Waydroid but both with AAS were working alternatively.


 lxc-start --rcfile=/tmp/appsupport/aliendalvik/config --lxcpath=/tmp/appsupport -n aliendalvik -F

This really looks like an lxc failure. Maybe getting more logging out of that as suggested in the last log might give more pointers. If it really was caused by filesystem resizing, then that would indicate that some filesystem corruption occurred. You could also try forcing reinstallation of the appsupport packages.

Itā€™s really difficult to discount bad interactions between waydroid and appsupport though. That systemd-modules-load failure looks like all sorts of trouble.

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Itā€™s the same for my phone, try to start App Support manually from Settings, this works for me.

Intermittently Iā€™m able to get X10III App Support into a state where Start button fails to start it, and only full reboot helps.

Trying to find something other than aliendalvik.service to restart to avoid rebooting.

Are you at a long uptime ( > 25 days)? Look here.

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Tyvm, that thread is indeed exactly what Iā€™m seeing happen.

I have removed /etc/modules-load.d/waydroid.conf file and now systemd-modules-load loads without failure but it doesnā€™t change a thing regarding main issue.

For me, the last time AAS didnā€™t start was because /home/ was too full (instead of / ).

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Please try with It is available now for the Early Access subscribers.

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Iā€™m going to. Iā€™ve been waiting for this update for several months :slight_smile: but as long as it is my daily driver I will wait for official release and then report.

While waiting for official release I decide to switch to spare phone and install Early Access release but unfortunately Iā€™m unable to enable ā€œEnable Developer updatesā€. The first surprise was that I have to enter any credential. I used to use developer updates but was never asked for such. Anyways whatever I enter Iā€™m getting ā€˜Host requires authenticationsā€™ reply. I was able to login via web and set ā€œEnable Developer updatesā€ option but without any impact on phone settings.
What am i missing? What is wrong?

You shouldnā€™t enable developer updates in the settings, that is actually what it says on the tin, updates exclusively for developers, which you need a special login for. Keep it disabled. ā€˜Early Accessā€™, which you enabled online, doesnā€™t require you to change anything on the phone itself.

However, because youā€™ve attempted to enable developer updates, be sure to open the Terminal and check what the command ā€œssu statusā€ tells you. It should say a couple of things, but importantly it should say ā€œDomain: salesā€. (Donā€™t worry about the ā€œDevice registration status: not registeredā€, it doesnā€™t matter.)

If it says anything other than ā€œDomain: salesā€, run the command ā€œdevel-su ssu do salesā€ and enter your root password (= the password you can set in the developer mode settings). Then youā€™ll be able to install updates again, and the early access updates should appear as long as the early access setting is enabled in your Jolla account.


Thank you for detailed explanation. It looks like my memory doesnā€™t serves me well but I recall that Early Access used to be set in phone settings.

Updated to Early Access and App Support started working after second attempt.
The issue is fixed in

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