Advice to Jolla Group

When the first Jolla 1 came out, the device was working great from day 1 in terms of basic functionality for a smartphone:

  • calling/sound/voice
  • SMS
  • E-mail (synchronization)
  • Calendar (caldav sync)
  • Addressbook (cardav sync)

Jolla kept the quality level high for each new Sailfish release, including the migration from Sailfish OS 3 to 4. Also first releases of new hardware adaptations such as Sony Xperia XA2 enjoyed high quality from the beginning.

This has changed with the Sony Xperia 10 III in my experience. Basic functionality doesn’t work reliably (calling, sync, email, etc). Even freezing of the device and random resets.

It means that Jolla is a company with very competent engineers who are able to reach high quality levels. Not a small achievement.

Here comes my advice to the company I like very much (Jolla):

  1. Investigate by a questionnaire (online form, kyselylomake) how many users of the “legacy” devices are willing to pay to get the basic functionality restored (as mentioned above, there is also a lot of noise on this in the forum).
  2. Focus on the devices which are most used and offer a one-time paid fix
  3. Be transparent on what you deliver, and what not (which devices will not be “fixed”)
  4. Re-gain customer trust in your largest installed base at this moment (the “legacy” devices) before it’s too late

The subscription-model and new devices come after that. It is not clear to me if these devices (including the Jolla C2) have basic functionality working from day 1 as was the case in the past. It is also not clear what 4.6 will bring in terms of stability. Users will be hesitant to take this step (upgrade their device), until it’s clear what will be the quality level.

Please let me know if you need more details and if something is not clear.

Many thanks, Bart


you meant jollyboys xd


And in addition: Ask yourself what “basic functionality” means in the third decade of the 21st century:

  • calling
  • Voice over Wifi on all cabable devices (including e.g. XA1/2)
  • VoLTE on all cabable devices (including e.g. XA1/2)
  • SMS
  • Emergency SMS services
  • E-mail (synchronization)
  • Calendar (caldav sync)
  • Addressbook (cardav sync)

Man, we have small dreams aren’t we? :sweat_smile:


Was the xa1 ever officially supported?

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Try installing SFOS on your Xperia 10 III. Works for me since day one. :wink:
I had some issues with X, XA2 and X 10 III. But resets? No calling functionality?

The worst I remember were reboots when crossing borders and the one time I had not data connection in Austria a few years ago.
The GPS antennas on my XA2 gave up in the end.
And there is a tendency to lose connection in very, very, very rural areas which sometimes makes the phone consume much energy or ask for a reboot.

But all in all and every day since 2017 across most of Europe I have a solid daily driver.

The noise on this forum seems generic and not related to IT issues.


If you actually have these issues; make sure there are proper bug reports, and help to collect legs where missing. While there are issues with the III, it is also nothing like what you describe. These “i know better” threads are really quite useless.


A proper bug tracker would be really helpful as well…


They did. For each SW release there is a poll to ask the community what was the experience of SW update with the latest release.

They have a bug tracker. It just inaccessible to everyone. But even with an open bug tracker, there will be people who can’t search and will create new duplicate. If you want to help Sailfish, there is a Community Bug Coordinator, feel free to PM me if you want to join the effort.

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But how does this help e.g. this bugreport: Suddenly CardDAV Entries Create Several Duplicates

I see no activity here and have the feeling it just got forgotten. I have to check with 4.6 soon if it still persists, though.

In a real bugtracker I would be sure that it is at least listed somewhere as open bug.

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Well pls do test and bump it with relevant info (like ‘still happens on 4.6’)