Understand. Not good preposition, somehow pushed by reading to much about C2 on this forum and being nervous with waiting 
My C2 arrived today and it is working. During the setup, it happens three times that touchscreen was unresponsive, last time immediatelly after updating to 5.0.21, when I was unable to enter PIN - reboot solved.
I agree that in regular use the encryption layer is not a problem. What I can learn is that in beta version this would better to be disabled. Also entering PIN after restart is not needed for beta - oh, I cannot disable this in 5.0 as it was possible on XA2, maybe that phone is not encrypted? All this security are adding complexity and could be enabled later when basic functionality is succesfuly tested - at least for me, phone is a communication device needed for calls, messages, and browsing, and not a vault for secret data.
But for curiosity, it may be completly ireleveant, If every data readed and written must go through encryption layer, how much battery is consumed for this? Do encrypted data need more space? How much is processor loaded with the encryption and how much extra RAM is consumed? I remember, on this forum, sometimes users complains about short battery time and short resources.