Ability to interact with Expo Go is lost after short period

Hello all,
I am developing an app at my current internship and we use Expo Go to test it. However, just a couple seconds after my app loads, I lose the ability to interact with it. I can still interact with the rest of Expo Go (if I press the triangle back button, minimise, then maximise the application), but my particular app doesn’t acknowledge my input.
However, my app has not frozen even after I lose the ability to control it. I can tell because it sends a network request when it is opened and then changes its appearance when it receives a response - both of which are observable even after I can no longer interact with it.
This issue is not present on any of the other Android apps I use (Signal, Fennec, Protonmail), oddly enough.

So has anyone else had a similar issue? Any ideas on what can be done to troubleshoot or fix it? Any insight is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Not an Android developer, so prepare that grain of salt :slight_smile:

As you probably can’t share the code, I’d suggest you make a parallel application and start ripping features (=code) out until it stays responsive. It sounds like some thread gets stuck in such way that the application self doesn’t mind, but the testing apparatus gets caught on it.

I forgot to mention this is the original post, but the application had been working perfectly for a while on Sailfish, and then, without me changing anything in the app’s source code, it stopped… I must have changed something on the phone, but I’ve retraced my steps as far as I can remember and cannot think of what it was. So I doubt being an Android developer helps much with the troubleshooting…
You are right, I cannot share the code.
Nice idea, but it does not seem to be working: I grabbed the earliest fully-functioning commit (just a button and a text-input field) and tried running it… the exact same issue arose.
I tried grabbing logs via logcat, but there doesn’t seem to be anything helpful there. Then, I tried reinstalling the Expo Go app; alas, no dice.
For now I’ll just package for web and test there, which is mostly fine.