Openrepos down, or certificate expired?

If you need to install something from OpenRepos, you can download the rpm with browser and then side load.


Thanks a lot, this worked perfectly👍

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That is an easy procedure for new application. I am more worried about updates. Probably that needs manual tracking and sideloading

Storeman is breaking the Sailfish update. I was having trouble updating to till I disabled all the repos in Storeman

I will disable all stores in Storeman before starting the SFOS update. I will enable the stores and execute devel-su pkcon refresh after the SFOS update is complete. Maybe it would help you.

Will not work! My advice is to forget about using Storeman until certificate is renewed. Don’t even try to reenable repositories, that will only result in ‘endless’ error messages.


As Matias said above, you just have to manually set the date in the Sailfish settings back a few days, and Storeman works again (and Sailfish updates too). No need to deactivate repos or to sideload apps through the browser.

I wouldn’t do that, as it will trigger other system errors, but that’s me.

It “might”, maybe, but it didn’t trigger any errors on my XA2, when I’ve updated to And adjusting the date temporarily to be able to get the latest app updates with Storeman should be riskfree.

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Works for me at the moment.

To debug the issue, in terminal use e.g.

openssl s_client -connect

This will tell you, if the certificate is the issue. For me it returns (apart from some other stuff):

Verify return code: 0 (ok)

The Let’s Encrypt intermediate certificate changed recently. Maybe that’s the culprit.

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Storeman seems to be back up.

Yes, the TLS certificate has been renewed. Until next time, Friday, 27 December 2024 17:10:09 GMT… :eyes:


Today Storeman is back on my phones without doing anything, but just waited. Thank you very much!

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