[] Xperia 10 III: Android apps mobile data connectivity - worse then ever

It seems the problems of Android apps connecting to the internet are worse then ever. While until SFOS 4.5 it was possible to restore mobile data connectivity by restarting network, switching flightmode, and restarting Appsupport (sometimes multiple times), it seems with SFOS 4.6 only a complete reboot does the job.
Maybe some of the latest CLAT modifications (that made the situation somewhat better during 4.5) aren’t included in the Sauna release?
Active SIM is Telekom.de Germany.


I took the initiative to change the category as there is already a bug report about this issue: ofono crash loop (IPv6/android related?)

Maybe this is related, but in my case connectivity can only be restored by a reboot of the phone. Which is in contrast to release 4.5 where the various restart tools were sufficient.
Very annoying.

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Even enabling flight mode and restarting network from utilities doesn’t change anything? I got this issue when I used roaming, but seems not to be your case.

Indeed, even flight mode, or restarting network and AppSupport do not help.
But: connecting and disconnecting a known WiFi does help!
Sadly, this is not a general workaround because in most cases the hotspot detection of SFOS does not work reliably…

i also have found that restarting ofono does not help, but restarting ofono, then stopping android appsupport, then restarting ofono, then starting android appsupport does.

however, the issue occurs again very frequently, sometimes within a minute of fixing it, so it doesnt much matter.

reverting to 4.5 is probably the only recourse available. i am also very frustrated with the worst part of SFOS (networking/telephony) getting worse.

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I have exactly the same observations.
Sometimes it fixes itself but couldn’t find the pattern.
I’ve also reinstalled whole ofono stack - didn’t help.
My finding is that name resolution fails. Entering in any android browser results in error with one.one.one.one.

Can confirm this behaviour as described in the first post, too.

Try to set mobile connection to “Prefer 3G” in settings. I used this in earlier SFOS versions to prevent the 10III from getting stuck into “Limited connectivity” issues (my provider is WindTre, Italy). This issue seemed to be gone away after updating to but when moving a lot by car/train it showed itself again, and with it, Android connectivity issues (which I could formerly fix by restarting AAS).

I’ve been again on “Prefer 3G” for a few days now, and both issues have not occurred since. It’s just a workaround, and it leaves you with slower connection, but at least it allows me to keep my sanity :nerd_face:

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Switching to “prefer 3g” does not help in my case.

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this is not an option in places/telecoms without 3G support. much of europe has shut down 3g for at least one telecom, and many countries will soon shut down 3g support completely. for example, the usa completely shut down 3G everywhere for all telecoms more than two years ago.

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I am from Italy too and have your same provider. Has the situation improved a bit?
I remember on my 10 III that I needed to set Prefer 3G to have a stable connectivity all the time, is 5G now supported by the chance?
And what about 10 II?
I was thinking to buy the Jolla C2 but, it is not clear if VolTE and LTE itself are working now with WindTRE on Sailfish OS :smiley:

5G is supported, but after having a much more stable connection in the first days after updating, I started having “limited connectivity” issues when traveling which also triggered annoying connectivity issues for some android apps in a moment where I could not afford having a misbehaving phone, so I tried the “Prefer 3G” trick again, it worked, and I never switched back.

I may try 5G again in the next few days and see what happens.

VoLTE does not work, with Wind3 at least.

Same problem here. My SIM is Digimobil Spain. It seems to happen when I move a lot so it has to change of antennas. When on my town, it doesn’t occur.

yes, the dropoff for me seems to be that for me as well, switching towers, or switching from wifi to mobile data.
when i am sitting at home on wifi, no problem, can use wifi data on android and receive calls over 4G. when i leave, suddenly i have no mobile data on android, so i restart ofono as i used to in 4.5, and then ofono restarts+crashes+restarts in a loop forever. it not ever connect again, until i restart aliendalvik or restart the phone.

the same happens when i am on mobile data in one place, then i leave to drive elsewhere. a few minutes later, google maps cant connect and away we go.


Recently I was traveling and been in Slovakia for few days. In Poland, my provider is Orange, in Slovakia I was connected with roaming to Orange SK. All problems gone for those few days, network has been stable, android never lost network connection.

Seems like this is somehow connected to mobile network provider settings.

For me this happens when switching on mobile network or switching from wifi to mobile and the clat interface does not show up connectivity is broken. When roaming in another country which assigns an ipv4 addresd this issue doesn’t happen.

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App Support losing mobile data connectivity is becoming massively annoying on a daily driver.

Restoring is such a large manual service restart hassle, just like teleshoes describes above, simply can’t be done when driving etc. scenarios.

@jovirkku is this tracked yet? Or perhaps is this a duplicate of some other tracked, more authoritative, forum thread?

Maybe we need to develop a shell script to ease restart pain itmw…


I do not think this is the same bug: The bug you referred to suspects that the bug described here is a prerequisite for the "ofono crash loop" described there. In contrast to that, this bug is solely about Android App Support loosing network connectivity; something I continuously experienced since I started using SailfishOS (IIRC v1.1.4 in 2015), always triggered by a change in the network connectivity: from mobile network to WiFi, from WiFi to mobile etc.

Hence I put this report back into the category Bug Reports.

I also doubt that this is specific to the Xperia 10 III or SailfishOS 4.6.0, maybe this combination just exacerbates the loss of connectivity for AAS.

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I set it “tracked” now.
There will be fixes in the upcoming 4.6.0 release. They should alleviate the problems in the connections of Android apps, at least.