[] Using GPS in Android AppSupport crashes AppSupport after a while

OS VERSION: 4.6., I remember this bug at least from 4.4 on
HARDWARE: Xperia 10ii (in the german TG-Group there is the 10iii also mentioned)
REGRESSION: yes, it has worked a few updates earlier, but I dont know on which OS-Version it was


When using an Android-app (in my case: blitzer.de Pro and HereMaps) that relies on GPS the whole AndroidSupport is crashing. Its visible, that it looses GPS-Connection shortly before crash.
Restarting AS helps mostly. After a restart it seems the time to crash again is getting shorter, but its not exactly countable.
It happens after a random time - sometimes it happens after 5mins, sometimes it works 4 hours without problems.


microg is installed, but I think both apps I’m using won’t need Playservices.


  1. Using the mentioned apps over a longer time


Working flawlessly for a whole journey


AndroidSupport crashes and needs a manual restart. Sometimes it needs a restart of the phone.



In the german TG-Group it is mentioned, it affects the 10iii too and also other apps like Komoot and Locus Map. But one user with this problem uses the TomTom-App without any problem.


Can confirm that this also affect 10 III and this heavily affects XA2 as some gps apps like “Bolt” can crash app support upon starting the app. And this really seems to be connected with gps apps


100 % same, all times. Impossible to trip with GPS-navigation enabled. It always stuck after sometime (5-10 minutes usually, sometimes 1 minute).


Can we get some logs, please?
In this way: Collect Persistent Logs | Sailfish OS Documentation

If you do not want to publish the logs here, file a customer service request at https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new .

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Hi @jovirkku

I must have missed your request for logs, but have since figured out that it’s due to GPU instability occuring when the device has a GPS fix (when the GPS is on but has no fix this does not occur). I’m seeing gpu timeout errors in dmesg. It looks like this:

> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu timeout ctx 13 ts 1067964
> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu fault ctx 13 ctx_type GL ts 1067964 status 00E79425 rb 01d3/0218 ib1 00000007FEE5E000/05de ib2 00000007F9E7C5AC/12d2
> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu fault rb 2 rb sw r/w 01d3/0218
> [Mi Mai 31 17:57:16 2023] kgsl kgsl-3d0: booster-silica-[5797]: gpu failed ctx 13 ts 1067964

Besides managing to crash appsupport, it also crashes native apps using the GPS.

I can confirm, that at navigation with XA2 Android apps does crash after some minutes. Restarting android support does solve the problem for some minutes.

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