[] Android AppSupport crashes at any activity after upgrade to Sauna

This seems to be a recurring theme:

WLAlienEventDevice: WLAlienEventTouch::checkOffset time offset diverged by more than 100 millisecond (4294888701 ns), resetting offset to 2329793188515

4294888701 looks suspiciously close to UINT_MAX, maybe this is an integer underflow issue?

07-04 01:15:11.272   261   276 W WLAlienEventDevice: WLAlienEventTouch::checkOffset time offset diverged by more than 100 millisecond (4294888701 ns), resetting offset to 2329793188515
07-04 01:15:11.708   261   361 E WificondScannerImpl: Timed out waiting for scan result from wificond
07-04 01:15:13.523  1603  1755 I OkHttpWebSocketConnection: [normal:8157010] Sending keep alive...
07-04 01:15:13.524  1603  1755 I OkHttpWebSocketConnection: [unidentified:149135018] Sending keep alive...
07-04 01:15:13.527  1603  1755 D AlarmSleepTimer: Setting an exact alarm to wake up in 19999ms.
07-04 01:15:13.527  1603  1603 W AlarmSleepTimer: Waking up.
07-04 01:15:14.217  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: Get idle time: time since reset 3 msec
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: Idle timer callback: current idle time 3 msec
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: next timeout 4996 msec from now
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: SetTimerExpiryIfBefore: next timeout 4996 msec from now
07-04 01:15:14.218  2803  2842 D GeckoIdleService: reset timer expiry to 5006 msec from now
07-04 01:15:15.571   261   276 W WLAlienEventDevice: WLAlienEventTouch::checkOffset time offset diverged by more than 100 millisecond (4295483753 ns), resetting offset to 2334088672268
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  : System zygote died with exception
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: event time must not be in the future
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService$BinderService.userActivity(PowerManagerService.java:4976)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.PowerManager.userActivity(PowerManager.java:1190)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.PowerManager.userActivity(PowerManager.java:1155)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.handleMotionEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:315)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.processMotionEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:297)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityInputFilter.onInputEvent(AccessibilityInputFilter.java:237)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.view.InputFilter$H.handleMessage(InputFilter.java:249)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:652)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:434)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:599)
07-04 01:15:15.797   261   261 E Zygote  :      at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:925)
07-04 01:15:15.798   261   261 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
07-04 01:15:15.798   261   261 E AndroidRuntime: *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main

Iā€™m testing with firefox, thatā€™s why you see gecko-related logs. Interacting with any android app for <15s is enough to reproduce this.

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Any news about this? I canā€™t really use my phone after upgrading to 4.6

EDIT: Discourse says that I canā€™t post any more replies to this topic, so editing this one.

Hey @jonico, thanks for your reply.

I found android settings ā€“ I need to tap ā€œAndroid version 11ā€ in Settings > Android AppSupport 5 times to launch it. But I canā€™t figure out how Iā€™m supposed to ā€œselect the windows form factorā€. Itā€™s nice that itā€™s a 30 sec trick but itā€™s a challenge to keep the settings app up for 30 secs. Any way to update this setting via the command line?

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You need to enter in android settings, to select the windows form factor. A 30 secs trick, and all will be fine :wink:

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I experience the same with ice cream. Since licorice ice cream disappeared from Berlin thereā€™s literally no use in cows or buildings anymore.


If I remember good: These are the settings to enable

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Sorry, that doesnā€™t help. Took two days of trials for us to activate those two, but that didnā€™t help at all. Keeps crashing after a few taps.

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Seems like a dead end here, doesnā€™t it? Has anybody tried a device reset? Honestly, Iā€™m quite hesitant to give it try, dreading all the hassle that comes with it.
Is there any news from Jolla updating Android AppSupport?

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Just wondering whether the Sauna release note that ā€œScrolling in Firefox (and in some other apps relying on timestamps) is smootherā€ might bear any solution to our issue.

The error message is quite clear, we need advice from the sailfish team to proceed.

Right, then letā€™s hope they find the time to fix it.

Please, do not touch/change the Android settings. Doing so could cause unexpected phenomena.
Let AppSupport do its job.

In the APPS section of the Android settings, only one item,

ā€œForce activities to be resizeableā€,

should be enabled.This is the default after flashing Sailfish and installing AppSupport.

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A new revision of this document is available now.
A couple of problems were observed with the removal of AppSupport on 4.6.0.

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This issue popped up last week for me. Any Android App crashes shortly after launch.

The update to Sauna went fine (worked fine for a week). This issue started the moment after Iā€™ve updated a few apps with the Aurora Store as I always do. Right after the update no android app works anymore.

Xperia 10 III, MicroG

I have uninstalled Android AppSupport from the Jolla Store. I have not rebooted or done anything else after this. So far my apps stopped crashing.

The question is in what kind of state am I?

I did not reinstall Android AppSupport and on the store it says I can install it.

You say your apps stopped crashing, but how can you run Android apps without AppSupport? Or do your Jolla apps crash too, like I have observed my Sailfish browser do on several occasions?

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That is what I do not know. The phone rebooted in my pocket and AppSupport was gone.
Reinstalled > Apps are crashing again. Cannot reproduce my earlier state by uninstalling AppSupport :frowning:

I wonder if anyone at Jolla is listening here.

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Itā€™s so tragic, when I come to think of it. Next week, when our summer holidays end and our new school year begins, Iā€™ll be needing my Android apps, so I had no choice but to order a Samsung Galaxy S9+ to install /e/OS on it in order to have a fully functioning phone. Thatā€™s me saying goodbye to Sailfish, I guess. Pity!


Any news on the issue? Also waiting for a solution


There is a fix for the crashing Android apps in the upcoming 4.6.0 release. It will probably not prevent the crashes of all apps but hopefully most of them.

For example, I have the ING Banking app, and opening it from the app grid works fine. I have no account so I cannot properly test the app, however, it stays up at the ā€œLetā€™s get startedā€ view and in the next couple of pages.