[] Video calls in AppSupport are shrunk (not full-screen). Many apps affected

This shrunk viewport issue also occurs consistently on trying to view any uploaded media file on Slack.

Can not find Nextcloud Notes App in this thread. Opening any of my notes is also done in a shrinked window. However linebreaks seem to work, but appear after every word, because of small window. So it seems as wrong screen size is used for rendering.

As I am not sure whether the issue is linked, Iā€™ll post it here first. If you conclude it is a different one, I can open another bug report. To me it seems to be at least somewhat similar, as I think it might have to do with wrong size/positioning of the window in an app which makes use of the camera.

The issue is that AAS 's back-button overlays the buttons of Gcam, such that I canā€™t choose.between Camera, Video, ā€¦ anymore. I have one of these (unfortunately I donā€™t recall which one exactly): https://www.celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-camera/dev-BigKaka/f/dl24/.

The picture seems to be fullscreen but shifted downwards under AASā€™s back-button:

Files in teams are also displayed this small

As this issue doesnt go without noticing if one uses one of the popular android messengers, why was this not found before the preview release? Nobody from Jolla tests such basic functionality?

Well, as @jovirkku stated above (https://forum.sailfishos.org/t/4-6-0-11-video-calls-in-appsupport-are-shrunk-not-full-screen-many-apps-affected/18802/8), it seems that the issue doesnā€™t appear under all circumstances. Therefore it seems that they could have tested and didnā€™t face the issue.

I would only add that the ā€œcircumstanceā€ would be on device or installation level. For me it is very consistent on my phone: most of the android apps mentioned in this thread which i also use.
Meaning that it affects all apps in android on a device.

This bug is mentioned in release notes of Can anybody confirm no shrunk windows anymore?

For Conversations and Signal this bug still exists under :frowning:

No chance to test it, yet.

Seems to work for me, now. Thank you, Jolla!

Signal video calls work in full-screen mode for me on Xperia 10 III running

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