[] cannot send SMS when VoLTE enabled

Same problem here for other provider, Drillisch/PremiumSIM Germany, Xperia 10 III, SMS does not work with VoLTE on.


Could you please follow the instructions below to get some logs for us to research the issue further?

  1. First make sure developer mode is enabled.
  2. After doing so connect to the device using ssh or open the terminal app
  3. Enter a root shell with devel-su
  4. Now enter the command below but not press enter:
journalctl -u ofono.service -u user@100000.service --output=export -f > volte_sms.log
  1. Open the Messages app, try to write an SMS but don’t hit send.
  2. Hit enter in the terminal and send the SMS.
  3. Press Control-C in the terminal to stop the logging.
  4. Open the file with a text editor and replace any phone numbers with zeros,
    and other personal information such as names with Max Musterman or similar.
  5. Now the log file should be ready to attach it to your reply to this message.

Log file is done, but cannot attach it since it contains more than the allowed number of characters for a post. Anything I can delete from the log such as entries with with SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=xt9-server ?

Did you try to paste or to attach the file?

Please try to attach it to your message. If attaching does not work please send me a private message so I can send you my email address to mail it to me.

I also have this problem (o2 Germany). I wanted to make the logfile like described. I didnt find any phone numbers or contact details inside, so perhaps something went wrong^^. If you think, its still useful I can send it to you.

Hi, I followed the steps.
Try to attach the file: …

How to attach files (no pictures)?


good question, I have also captured a volte_sms.log and don’t know how to attach.

Please pm me.

Thank you

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Still a problem with upgraded 4.6 Xperia III Vodafone UK Contract


I downloaded “ofono-binder-plugin-1.1.3-1.3.1.jolla.aarch64.rpm” from the repos and installed it on and rebooted.

After enabling VoLTE I can send smses now (TDC, Denmark) but not use 4G while in a call so I suspect it does not use. Any specific string to grep for in the journalctl log for ofono to confirm this?

UPDATE: If somebody have an Xperia 10 iii laying around with a problematic carrier in regards to VoLTE if possible they could try installing SFOS and test if data works while in a call using VoLTE. I might try this later on.

OUTDATED: Look down below for proper solution as this will result in missing waiting tone whole calling somebody with VoLTE enbavled.

TL;DR: Reinstall with Android 13 fw and Android 11 binaries when reinstalling SFOS to get VoLTE working.

I just reinstalled my Xperia 10 iii with Android 13 62. 2 .A.0.533 using EMMA on Windows, then installing Sailfish with Android 11 binaries (SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_11_4.19_v9a_lena.zip) as stated in the original Linux install instructions. Only thing I did differently was to run sudo ./flash.sh --extra-opts “-S 512K” to get around this error: " FAILED (remote: Requested download size is more than max allowed)"

To my surprise VoLTE worked after updating to, keeps working after upgrading to (not a stop release) and and I can browse the internet over 4G while in a call and send and receive text messages at the same time. I have Hallo DK which is a on the Danish TDC mobile network.

There might be an easier way to do this and preserve SFOS installation with settings according to this: Android 13 and SailfishOS on Xperia 10 III - #121 by olf


TL;DR: Android 11 fw with Android 12 binaries gives the best result in my test.

Proper solution which will not require reinstallation if SailfishOS was installed ontop of Android 11 base.

I got the best result by installing the Android 12 binaries ontop of SailfishOS installed on an Android 11 base as the solution mentioned below result in no waiting tone while calling people using VoLTE.

First of get the Android 12 v2a binaries here: Software binaries for AOSP Android 12.0 – Kernel 4.19 – Lena (v2) | Developer World and extract them.

If you’re sure your phone ran Android 11 prior to installing SailfishOS you can simply power if off, holding Volume Up while connecting the USB-cable and the flashing the Android 12 binaries using these commands:

fastboot flash oem_a SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_12_4.19_v2a_lena.img -S 512K
fastboot flash oem_b SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_12_4.19_v2a_lena.img -S 512K
fastboot reboot

If above commands fails on Linux/Mac you will need to add “sudo” at the start of each command. Also make sure you have “cd” to the correct directory containing the extracted binaries (one file).

I’ve tried lots of stuff, eg. Android 12 base with Android 11 and 12 binaries which neither way gave me wifi. Do yourself a favor and use Android 11. It’s worth the hassle setting up a Windows machine with Emma as at least in my case all quirks seem to be gone (broken VoLTE, unable to send sms with VoLTE, missing waiting tone with VoLTE and possibly also echo issues in non-VoLTE calls)

To me this seems to be provider related. I tried the 12 binaries with Android 11 as described above, but unfortunately i am still not able to send SMS, when Volte is enabled.
Is here some with the xiii with latest Software and o2 Germany and working Volte with SMS? If yes, could you please provide your mobile data and MMS settings?
Thanks in advance and best regards

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Update to
Phone: Xperia 10ii
Provider: o2 in Germany

Sending SMS doesnt work anymore, when VoLTE ist turned off (thats the workaround, working on 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6). It sends the SMS when I switch to “2G” only also.