[][XA2 h3113][Alien Dalvik] Android Gallery and Android multimedia files related bugs

Hi, there.

I have a problem with AD not showing SFOS multimedia files (just those from AD and SD card). Thought that there is an ownership problem, but after running the command:

chown -R media_rw:media_rw /home/nemo/android_storage/*

AD apps started to crash whenever they tried to reach any media files. Fortunately, before chown I’ve stored original permissions and could restore them.

So it seems that on Xperia10III with SFOS, ownership scheme changed to:


Not sure why user is some arbitrary number, more - directories created by some apps have even different ownership (like 501080:501080).

And nothing changes with my issue. Still AD shows only AD files what is really annoying.

Different apps behave differently. Since you didn’t name any, install Fossify Gallery and Fossify File Manager from your favorite Android App Store and see what works and what doesn’t.

Moving all your multimedia files to SD card is one solution.

Do you really need to open local multimedia files with Android apps instead of sharing from Sailfish? Usually the problem was the other way around: accessing android_storage with native apps, mainly (deleting) WhatsApp attachments.

I mentioned my issue just to show a background. Answering to your comment - any reference to media files crashed given app - all gallery managers (downloaded few) but also signal and telegram.

The main reason for posting was that things changed since this topic began, and using the information on recent SFOS may lead to make things even worse. Reference to most recent info on permissions at the moment is here:

in the “Android AppSupport is upgraded to Android 11” chapter:

Android AppSupport is upgraded to Android 11

OS release 4.5.0 contains a major upgrade of the AppSupport, from Android 10 to Android 11. This upgrade brings in modified and relocated app launchers, different access rights for the data directory of the apps, optimized apps, new app icons, and other changes.

When the phone has rebooted at the end of the OS update, AppSupport will start running a migration script transforming the Android apps for Android 11.