[][XA2] Failed update: Phone turns on flashes a few time. Bricked phone - 'solved' by reflash

REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): 100%
HARDWARE (Jolla1, Tablet, XA2,…): XA2 plus
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): Upgrade


End of upgrade process installer reports " Sailfish OS update did not succeed" or something to that affect. After reboot phone does not boot into the UI. The only logo is the Unlock bootloader --> Sony then white screen flashes 6 times then black.
Fingerprint reader responds if I use it with a vibrate and screen is on but black.

I cannot appear to log into ssh so I do not think WIFI is connected. When I plug into my linux PC there is no registered USB connection. I am stuck !!

Update :
Output of lsusb:
Bus 001 Device 019: ID 0fce:0afe Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

However I still not mount the device yet…


Upgraded from 3.3, removed phonehook and updated AlienDalvik control to latest.


  1. Install update to




(Please ALWAYS attach relevant data such as logs, screenshots, etc…)

Update 2
I am trying to enable the recovery of the device using : https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002996893-Xperia-devices-How-to-use-the-Recovery-Mode

I have the Sony drivers installed “Sony sa0114 ADB interface driver” is visible in device manager. I downloaed and unzipped the file from the jolla store.
Excuting " fastboot boot hybris-recovery.img appears ok in the terminal. However the text “RECOVERY: Connect USB cable and open telnet to address” does not appear.

I cannot proceed to step 2.2. to get the RNDIS driver …

Update 3
It appears Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device" is already on my laptop working OK no errors.
However I cannot telent into … I do not think the recovey worked…

I have tried to boot into flash mode and recovery mode but I still get a black screen. Ive a bad feeling about this…

Can anybody help, I am without a phone and really at a loss what to do?
If I did not fill in the details clearly or correctly let me know or if I should be more patient.

If it is unrecoverable then that is a big issue no?

Okay, you bricked your device using an EA release. And now what?
I could not really follow this.
What do you want to do now?
Is USB developer connection set up?
Flash from Linux or Windows?

Please try to explain what youbwant to do and be precise in listing the steos you have done and how.

OK sorry for the confusion, I thought my post was clear. Upon review it was perhaps confusing as I was adding updates as I figured different steps out along the way.

Phone model : XA2 Plus 64Gb dual sim
Version: Upgrade (was latest) -->

Precondtions: Removed phonehook & updated AlienDalvik control in open repos as see in other pages. Created backup of imortant stuff and checked I had enough room on the phone.

What happened: Downloaded updated and updated with prompt in the GUI (not CLI). When the 100% was reached the screen reported “Sailfish update failed” (not exactly what was there but that was it). I did not see any other errors and the phone reset.
Upon reboot I get to the sony logo and the screen flashes white 10 times and stops. Fingerprint reader still responds but screen does nothing.

What did I do after : In linux I tried to connect the phone via both USB ports on my laptop, the output of lsusb reports a sony device so I could see something with the drivers
– Bus 001 Device 019: ID 0fce:0afe Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Switched over to windows and I could find some more details.
I was directed to try and reocver the device using recovery mode for my device https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002996893-Xperia-devices-How-to-use-the-Recovery-Mode

I followed this procedure and I have the Sony drivers installed “Sony sa0114 ADB interface driver” is visible in device manager. I downloaded and unzipped the ( this is the only file available to me and should be the correct file) file from the jolla store.
Excuting " fastboot boot hybris-recovery.img " appears ok in the terminal, finishes in 5.5seconds no errors. However the text *“RECOVERY: Connect USB cable and open telnet to address” as described step 2.1 does not appear. I do not think this step executes correctly but what to do I do not now.

The remote NDIS is in my devices as described in the next step but as I cannot telnet in I am stuck.

I hope this is clearer and I aplogies if I was not clear in my initial post.

Windows 10 in current 20xx version?
There is an issue with drivers.

If you have a Linux box use this one for flashin (quute similar but easier).Or a lower Windows version?


Worked, thank you!
I can now telnet into the device!!
I presume I just do a clean install as this is the only clear option.

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Good to read.
If you have a backup as said I’d suggest really a clean flash and start over…

I’m back into Sailfish 3.1 and following the recovery. We can put this one as solved :slight_smile:
Should I do anything to report the fact windows recovery did not work or the EA failed ?

You may choose any post as solution.

Both issues are already reported…

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