[10 III][VoLTE] modem_auto_config.service fails to start

HARDWARE: Sony Xperia 10 III


After following Xperia 10 III installation guide, VoLTE status is always “Not registered”. Baseband version is 62.0.A.3.163.

Checking further, the modem_auto_config.service unit always fails to start. Journal logs show:

мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III systemd[1]: Starting Configure modem for VoLTE....
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III droid-load-modem-files.sh[5597]: Failed to set property 'ro.vendor.ril.mbn_copy_completed' to '1'.
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III droid-load-modem-files.sh[5597]: See dmesg for error reason.
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III dbus-send[5602]: method return time=1709389461.631964 sender=:1.11 -> destination=:1.690 serial=4762 reply_serial=2
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III dbus-send[5602]:    array [
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III dbus-send[5602]:       object path "/ril_0"
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III dbus-send[5602]:       object path "/ril_1"
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III dbus-send[5602]:    ]
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III systemd[1]: Started Configure modem for VoLTE..
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III modem_auto_config[5603]: enabling automatic sw mbn selection
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III modem_auto_config[5603]: library "/odm/lib64/libril-qc-hal-qmi.so" needed or dlopened by "(unknown)" is not accessible for the namespace "(default)"
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III modem_auto_config[5603]: library "/odm/lib64/libril-qc-hal-qmi.so" ("/odm/lib64/libril-qc-hal-qmi.so") needed or dlopened by "(unknown)" is not accessible for the namespace: [name="(default)", ld_library_paths="/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64:/system/lib64:/vendor/lib64:/apex/com.android.vndk.v30/lib64", default_library_paths="/system/lib64:/system_ext/lib64", permitted_paths="/system/lib64/drm:/system/lib64/extractors:/system/lib64/hw:/system_ext/lib64:/system/framework:/system/app:/system/priv-app:/system_ext/framework:/system_ext/app:/system_ext/priv-app:/vendor/framework:/vendor/app:/vendor/priv-app:/system/vendor/framework:/system/vendor/app:/system/vendor/priv-app:/odm/framework:/odm/app:/odm/priv-app:/oem/app:/product/framework:/product/app:/product/priv-app:/data:/mnt/expand:/apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic:/system/lib64/bootstrap:/product/lib64"]
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III modem_auto_config[5603]: Failed to get fns (nil) (nil) (nil)
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III modem_auto_config[5603]: invalid handle: (nil)
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III systemd[1]: modem_auto_config.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=254/n/a
мар 02 16:24:21 Xperia10III systemd[1]: modem_auto_config.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
мар 02 16:24:22 Xperia10III systemd[1]: modem_auto_config.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
мар 02 16:24:22 Xperia10III systemd[1]: modem_auto_config.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
мар 02 16:24:22 Xperia10III systemd[1]: modem_auto_config.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Kernel log tail:

[129333.209209] rpmh_rsc_send_data: 7 callbacks suppressed
[129333.209214] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.222092] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.287567] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.300550] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.313282] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.332322] binder: 3537:3537 transaction failed 29189/-22, size 32-0 line 3103
[129333.339171] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.365137] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.378204] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.403349] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129333.416261] qcom_rpmh DRV:apps_rsc TCS Busy, retrying RPMH message send: addr=0x30010
[129334.031913] droid-hal-init: Unable to set property 'ro.vendor.ril.mbn_copy_completed' from uid:0 gid:0 pid:5573: Read-only property was already set
[129334.333616] binder: 3537:3537 transaction failed 29189/-22, size 32-0 line 3103
[129335.273547] droid-hal-init: Unable to set property 'ro.vendor.ril.mbn_copy_completed' from uid:0 gid:0 pid:5584: Read-only property was already set
[129335.334032] binder: 3537:3537 transaction failed 29189/-22, size 32-0 line 3103


Xperia 10 III with stock Android.


  1. Install Sailfish OS on Xperia 10 III without updating stock Android.
  2. Try enabling VoLTE.


  1. VoLTE status is “Registered”.


  1. VoLTE always shows “Not registered”.


No modifications.


I confirmed with my operator that VoLTE is enabled for my SIM and the phone model is supported. 4G data works. The phone came with baseband version 62.0.A.3.163, I did not upgrade or downgrade it.

The issue is still reproducible with Sauna

There are also other hardware problems:

  1. 5G does not work
  2. When the Bluetooth interface is enabled but hidden, other devices can’t connect to it
  3. Bluetooth file transfers do not work
  4. Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz channels 12 and 13 are not visible. The interface is set to the US regulatory domain despite the time zone.
  5. After an unanswered call, a special information tone (SIT) is played on the loudspeaker
  6. Sometimes there is a “Network problem” message after ending a call
  7. Sometimes 4G data connection is lost. A cycle of 4G → 3G → 4G is needed to restore it.

I wonder if these may be caused by the specific 62.0.A.3.163 baseband version or the general state of the device adaptation. Thus I haven’t opened other bug reports yet before someone comments on the baseband version.

Of all these, the VoLTE issue is more pressing, as they’re shutting down 3G in my country.