10 iii and ii touchscreen events? Difficult to click URL's, v-hard to click-n-hold/double-tap for new-tab/copy-text operations

DPI value aside, after quite some time, yesterday I switched on my trusty XA2 Ultra and discovered that its browser also has that annoying super-long timeout for tap&hold gesture to display the context menu. No problems with the touch move tolerance like on the 10 III where even the slightest move interrupts/cancels the gesture, but still very annoying time to wait. Luckily, shortening ui.click_hold_context_menus.delay made it an enjoyable experience on the XA2, too.

I’ve now had a chance to test this out ‘on the road’ and I can confirm that it now seems to work fine. I set apz.touch_start_tolerance back to its default value but left the two time-out values at the modified settings. With this configuration I had no problems navigating and opening links. Thanks again for fixing this!