Yubikey support

Ah, cool. I have the same ones. I just have to find some time…

Great to hear - then its finally time to order a USB-C variant…

The only mention in the changelog is:>

[config] Do not hide sw keyboard when YubiKey is attached.

But what is the part in the release notes about if its already working?

That was a Issue, that the Software Keyboard was not showing up when the YubiKey is plugged. That was quit annoying and behaves now correct. The YubiKey on PC could be used to enter some “random” passphrase, therefore it is also detected as HID (in this case more or less as a keyboard) from the USB controller. And a plugged USB-Keyboard lead to no SW-Keyboard. I understand the release notes in a way, that Jolla build a exception to behave different if the plugged keyboard is a YubiKey. And I can confirm that this is working nicely since then.


The app YubiGo for showing TOTP tokens using the YubiKey is now available in CHUM. Please restart the Phone once after install, as the needed systemd service of the software does not simply start after installation by default. (Something I maybe could iron out in the rpm spec files, if I would feel more confident with them already.)
Plug the YubiKey and start the App. Or start the App, then plug the YubiKey and pull the Reload from the pully menu.

Pleas note, that the App is note considered as finished software, more as a proof of concept. But it is fully working, and I’m pretty confident, that at least you won’t lose any information on the YubiKey by using the App, as I only calls selected function from the official yubikey-manager application from Yubico.


Can we have it in the Official Store. Or if there are any APIs that prohibit that we can scream at Jolla :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hmm, I doubt I can bring it to harbour. It installs a list of dependencies, including systemd services and I deactivated sandboxing at the moment, as it needs some access to HW and so on. With my current skill set, I’m afraid, I won’t find a way around.

Would be cool to connect the Yubikey through NFC too…

Bummer. The annoying thing with SFOS is not that it doesn’t do what the rest mobile OSs do (apps etc). Its that it gives you a hard time doing things that are a given on any normal linux distro. :neutral_face:

Indeed! Have shortly tried, but not been able to do that (yet).

I would say that CHUM is a very straight forward way and similar to (community) repo management on linux desktop distros IMHO. However, I would suggest to continue further discussion on that topic on threads to SailJail, Harbour policies or chum.

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Funny, I saw you push the changes (IRC) to make it go just as I was off to beer having broken my nose on the SDK :slight_smile:

For other users:

# tell systemctl to load all the new stuff in /usr/lib/systemd/system/
# that harbour-yubigo has installed.
systemctl daemon-reload

# check the socket (it should be enabled)
systemctl status pcscd.socket

# check and start the service
systemctl status pcsd.service
systemctl restart pcsd.service

(There are no user service install, so no need to systemctl --user daemon-reload).

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Cool, thanks, @DrYak!

This is really awesome, been trying it out a bit, but I couldn’t get this working (neither after rebooting nor successful systemctl commands)

I have sfos on gemini and a yubikey usbc version with totp codes on it.

I have tried with both usb ports, and I cant get anything to be displayed.

any suggestions are welcome :slight_smile: